Express on Tate
Today's Express has a really cool interview with Tim Tate on "Compelled About Content" (page 30 of the pdf file).
"Tim Tate is a third generation Washingtonian and the city's premier glass artist..."Read it here.
Since 2003... the 11th highest ranked art blog on the planet! And with over SEVEN million visitors, F. Lennox Campello's art news, information, gallery openings, commentary, criticism, happenings, opportunities, and everything associated with the global visual arts scene with a special focus on the Greater Washington, DC area.
Express on Tate
Today's Express has a really cool interview with Tim Tate on "Compelled About Content" (page 30 of the pdf file).
"Tim Tate is a third generation Washingtonian and the city's premier glass artist..."Read it here.
Dawson on Glass
Jessica Dawson has several mini reviews in today's WaPo and she has one on our current "Compelled by Content" glass exhibition in Bethesda.
Read it here.
The Power of the Web
I've never reviewed a movie in my life, but somehow a few days ago, because of DC Art News, I received an invitation to a press preview of the series-ending Star Wars movie and being the SF geek that I am, I went to see it [Duh!] and here's my review:
Opportunity for Artists at AU
When the new galleries at American University's new Katzen Arts Center open, they will be (by far) one of the the largest visual arts spaces in the area, and Jack Rasmussen has posted the submission guidelines for artists wishing to be considered at the American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center:
Please submit a CD of up to 20 jpeg images along with a resume, image list (title, medium, size, and date), a short statement and/or cover letter. If you are proposing a group exhibition please include resumes by all artists involved.
Please do not send slides. Submitted materials will not be returned. The reviewing process should take 6 – 8 weeks. We will contact you if we would like to see additional materials.
Submissions should be mailed to:
Jack Rasmussen, Director and Curator
American University Museum
at the Katzen Art Center
4400, Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016
Viktor Koen Reviews
Our Viktor Koen exhibition at Fraser Georgetown was reviewed last week by Louis Jacobson in the City Paper.
It has also been reviewed by Kathleen Shafer at Thinking About Art and also by Alexandra Silverthorne at Solarize This.
More work by Koen here.
Synergy Winners Announced!
Alexandra Silverthorne has a list of the artists selected for the Synergy Project.
Read the winning teams here.