Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Kirkland on Gonzalez

JT reviews Teo Gonzalez at Irvine Contemporary Art.

It's a damned good review too, from a self-declared minimalist looking at another minimalist, and recalling the difficulty of comparison in the world of art.

DCist Arts Agenda

The DCist Arts Agenda is here.

Rousseau on Glass

Dr. Claudia Rousseau, art critic for the Gazette newspapers, reviews our Compelled by Content group glass exhibition at Fraser Bethesda.

Compelled by Content has become one of our most-reviewed shows ever, as well as one of our best-selling, and I think it is a seminal indicator of a new direction that glass is taking; away from the vessel and the decorative, and towards the narrative and context-driven.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


"The rise of curators and "super-curators" hasn't come out of the blue. Twentieth-century modernist conceptions of art-making presupposed the need for a class of specialist professionals to mediate between "advanced", "challenging" artists and lay gallery-goers. In the past decade or so, however, the balance of power has tipped so emphatically towards curatorship that many canny artists have opted to reinvent themselves as part- or even full-time curators."
Read the whole article by Rachel Withers here.

Corcoran's Director Quits

David C. Levy resigned yesterday as president and director of the Corcoran Gallery of Art. The Corcoran's board of trustees have also suspended the museum's longstanding efforts to build a new wing designed by architect Frank Gehry.

Read the WaPo story here.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Seven Update

This week I'll will try to re-visit all 20,000 plus slides in the WPA/C registry for "Seven.".

I'm continuing to attempt to bring together some of DC's most visible and recognized names, together with artists who (I feel) deserve a bit more recognition and/or exposure.

Deadline is June 10. Submissions details here.

Borf outed?

According to comments in DCist, famed DC street artist BORF is about to be highlighted (no pun intended) in a WaPo article.

Jenny Vee tracks and photographs Borf (and his magic marker).