I can't recall if it was Time or Newsweek, but a couple of days ago I read a piece in one of them about the newest BLOG in Cyberspace that ranks BLOGs by their celebrity status or importance.
There's an A-list, a B-list and a C-list...
It's all here.
And there are quite a few Washingtonians on the list too!
Friday, June 03, 2005
About Time...
Cudlin is back in the CP with a review of the Kehinde Wiley show at Conner Contemporary.
These are such a kewl couple of paragraphs (that an older art critic could have never birthed) because they deliver a great insight into the show:
As he once stated in an interview, "We live in an age where the distinctions between high art and popular culture are finally starting to melt. Thank God. In a sense, that’s the strength of my work."And (I for one) love having a skilled painter as an art critic (as well); an intelligent person who can quickly note that:
As it turns out, it is. Wiley’s art is all about the erosion of such differences—between past tradition and present moment, masculine display and effete decoration, Fragonard and FUBU.’s almost hard to believe that Wiley uses oils, not acrylics. There is no slow accumulation of glazed transparent layers here — only the flat immediacy proper to commercial illustration.But it is this paragraph that drives the show home for me:
The tendency of much postmodern art has been to reject old hierarchies by making artistic activity more conceptual, less dependent on any one ancient medium’s troubled history. Wiley shows us that sometimes the most radical act is to continue with the seemingly insupportable.Bravo Wiley, Bravo Cudlin, Bravo Painting.
As you can tell from the relative brevity of postings, I have been incredibly busy with many things at once.
It will get better... I hope.
This weekend is the last weekend to see "Compelled by Content," which has really hit a new zenith for sculpture shows for us, and judging by the huge amount of discusssion it has caused in the online glass community, has also left an important footprint on fine art glass.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Policed Postcards
Kriston with some interesting words on Frank Warren's PostSecret project and specifically Warren's possible curatorial hand at work.
Read it here.
Art League Talk Today
One of the things that I notice consistently is how common an artist's poor presentation skills (for their artwork) is; and the worst offenders are often experienced art professors.
Acidic mats, fragile work backed by corrugated cardboard, hand-cut mats, scratched frames, scratched plexi, kitschy frames, colored mats, dirty mats, huge signatures, unsigned works... you name it and every gallerist has seen it.
So the Art League asked me a while back to give a presentation on... presentation.
It will take place today at the Art League Gallery in Alexandria.
Call them for details at 703/683-1780.