Saturday, July 02, 2005

Opportunity for Photographers

Deadline July 15, 2005.

W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography.

An annual grant of $30,000 is awarded to a photographer whose work follows the tradition of W. Eugene Smith's work as a photographic essayist. Contact:

W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund
c/o International Center of Photography
1133 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline July 11, 2005

All visual artists in the U.S. and abroad working in all media are invited to submit to Role Play: The Definition of Self in Society. Artists are encouraged to think broadly in responding to the theme.

The juror is my good friend JW Mahoney, who is an independent curator and Corresponding Editor for Art in America.

Cash awards up to $650. Submission fee: $25 for images of 3 works (slides or JPEG).

For prospectus, e-mail: or send SASE to:
Target Gallery
105 North Union Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Bethesda Artist Market Returns

Next Sunday, July 10, from 10am-5pm, the Bethesda Artist Market returns to Bethesda Place Plaza, 7700 Wisconsin Ave, Bethesda (one block from the Bethesda Metro stop). The event features artwork and fine crafts for sale by nearly 30 regional and local artists working in painting, photography, jewelry, turned wood, blown glass, metalwork and mixed media.

Details here.

Opportunity for Artists

The Maryland State Arts Council's Individual Artist Awards Program is now administered by the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation. The deadline for applications is July 28. For an application, visit or e-mail/call Rebecca Scollan at (or call her at 410-539-6656 ext. 101).

Funding Opportunity

The Carl M.Freeman Foundation launches third Annual Major Grants Cycle.

The Carl M. Freeman Foundation (CMFF) has announced its third annual cycle of major grants; a minimum of $250,000 will be awarded. For the first time, the Foundation has created a $100,000 "Opportunity Grant" to help a past beneficiary expand its work in a significant way with a one-time gift.

In addition, all non-profit groups are eligible for other Major Grants awards. For this program, organizations should submit a simple, two-page preliminary application for the Foundation's consideration by August 1st at 5 p.m. The Board of Trustees will review the preliminary applications and request full applications from semi-finalists in September. Grant recipients will be announced in December. Non-profit organizations interested in applying for grants will find guidelines, deadlines, and the applications online at CMFF donates over one million dollars each year, primarily in Montgomery County, MD and Sussex County, DE.


As posted here, on June 28, Sen. Tom Coburn withdrew from consideration his floor amendment to the Interior Appropriations bill which would have cut FY 2006 funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) by $5 million each.

It became clear to Sen. Coburn that his amendment had little support for passage, in large part because of the outcry from thousands of art advocates. Assuming the Senate passes its version of the bill, as is expected, both houses will then convene a conference committee the week of July 11 to craft a final bill, reconciling any differences between their separate versions.

DC Art News favors the House version, because it contains a higher funding level for the NEA, and also because it would fully fund the NEA's Challenge America program, which primarily supports arts programs in underserved areas. Therefore, we encourage you to contact your Senators and Representatives and urge them to support the House-approved level of $131.3 million, including full funding for Challenge America, during the House-Senate conference.

Contact your elected representatives here.

Lennox Campello by Adrienne Mills

Me at Seven opening, courtesy of Adrienne Mills.