Friday, July 22, 2005

Artrain USA

Artrain USA, an art museum housed on a train, addresses the shortage of and lack of value placed on cultural programming in American communities by introducing the arts to individual residents while helping communities build their capacity to grow and sustain cultural programs.

Artrain USA provides quality art exhibitions complemented by strong art education programs and community outreach activities. For 34 years, Artrain USA has traveled to as many as 35 communities and reached 100,000 people annually. Since 1971, approximately 3 million people in 750 communities across 44 states have visited Artrain USA.

Artrain USA hosts the contemporary Native American art exhibition, Native Views: Influences of Modern Culture.

This exhibit will stop in Manassas, Virginia from July 28-31, 2005. Artrain USA is looking for artists to make art work on site during its stop in Manassas and they are looking for volunteers. If anyone is interested, they can send contact Philip Barlow at and he will pass it along to the appropriate people. Artists do not have to be Native American to participate, just willing to help support this worthy project.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

More work

I'll be curating a show for a small Virginia museum in the near future; details later.

WaPo on Seven

Jessica Dawson has a mini review of Seven in today's Washington Post's Galleries column. Read it here.

Scotty is dead

James Doohan, the Canadian chief engineer of the Starship Enterprise in the original "Star Trek" TV series and movies who responded to the command "Beam me up, Scotty," died Wednesday. He was 85.

Fair winds and following seas, Scotty.

Airport run-in

It's an odd application of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, but I am always amazed at how chaos and order seem to cease to exist at airports.

I've had some interesting airport experiences in my life (none weirder than this one), such as sitting next to Darth Vader and selling him a drawing, or meeting Ana Mendieta when she was a graduate student (and getting a drawing from her).

But tonight, when I arrived at Dulles, I ran into Vance.

Vance is an American of Chinese ancestry, who happens to be an ex-Army Ranger, and one of the most lethal people on this planet. This is the kind of a guy who can kill you in a dozen different ways before you even know he's killing you.

Me: "Vance! What are you doing here?"

Vance [stares until he recognizes me]: "Lenny! I didn't recognize you... you're wearing a suit!" [Vance's imagery of me is in other style clothing].

Vance: "What's with the hair?" [I've been growing my hair]

Me: "What have you been up to?" [actually sounded like "What'cha bin up ta?"]

Vance: "Been training for a big fight in Argentina." [Vance is part of an "under-the-noise" circuit that fights for big money in freestyle fighting all over the world - a few years ago he actually lost an eye in a fight].

Me: "Mmmm.."

Vance: "I think a broke my clavicle in training though..."

Me: "Ahh..."

Vance: "I've been on travel though... so I haven't had time to see a doctor."

Me: "You should before you enter that tournament..."

Vance: [looking at me like that "here's your sign" comedian from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour] "yeah..."

Me: "see ya Vance..."

Vance: "Take care Lenny..."


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

BORF vs The WaPo

We all know that street artist/graffitist/vandal BORF was arrested recently and that WaPo reporter Libby Copeland wrote this piece on the subject.

And then, several of the below have turned up on the sidewalks near the WaPo building...

street graffiti near Wash Post building


second set of street graffitti

A little trivia for you (don't ever play Trivia Pursuit against me)... Vandalism is from the word Vandal. The Vandals were a German tribe that, at the fall of the Roman Empire, swept across Europe leaving behind a trail of destruction, wreckage and... uh... vandalism.

They eventually settled in southern Spain as a people. The land that they settled in is today known as Andalusia... the word Andalusia is a derivative of the Arabic Var Andalus which borrows from the Latin Vandalus... or The Land of the Vandals.


Airborne today...........