Monday, September 26, 2005

Lenny flies away
Airborne today and heading to the Left Coast, where I'm hoping to meet with artist Marianela de la Hoz, whose arresting work at the Mexican Cultural Institute's current exhibition stole the show (in my opinion).

And again... more of our gallery artists have made available art to be auctioned off for hurricane Katrina and Rita relief causes. All net proceeds will be donated to the Southern Arts Federation.

The Southern Arts Federation has established an Emergency Relief Fund to assist arts organizations and artists residing in Gulf Coast communities most devastated by Hurricane Katrina, and now I suppose also Rita.

We have the art online here, and it includes work by Vladimir Pcholkin, Jacqueline Saunders, Camille Mosley-Pasley, and myself. See all four here.

click to bid on Pcholkin photo

Vladimir Pcholkin Nude XII
Bid here.

Iris Cluster by Jackie Saunders

Jacqueline Saunders Iris Cluster
Bid here.

Bid for Mosley-Pasley here

Camille Mosley-Pasley Bonnie & Jasmine (from Mama Love series)
Bid here.

bid for Frida and Elvis
F. Lennox Campello "Frida Wearing an Elvis T-Shirt"
Bid here.

My Frida Wearing an Elvis T-Shirt is a silly pen and ink wash drawing that I did in 1978 on the first anniversary of the King's death. In it I married two of my icons: Kahlo and Elvis, and had Frida wearing an Elvis T-shirt under her rebozo. Sacrilege or what?

New DC Art Blog

There are now virtually dozens of terrific DC area art blogs, and the newest one is Authentic Art DC.

Visit often.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Nude Opportunities

Deadline: October 24, 2005

"Nudes" at Atlantic Works Gallery in Mass. This juried show is call for art work in any medium that depicts a nude or nudes in its subject matter or presentation. Artists are asked to submit up to two works. The submission fee for 2 pieces of art is $15.00. One piece of art submission fee $10.00.

Please address the checks to Laurie Hoffma. Slides/JPEGS of art work must be received by October 24th, 2005 Mailing address:

Atlantic Works Gallery
Attn: Juried Show
80 Border Street 4th floor
East Boston, MA 02128

Works to be hung should not be bigger than 3'x3.' Installation and mixed media are encouraged, however any specific set-up needs must be completed by the artist submitting the work. Artists accepted into the show will be notified in late October. All work that is to be hung should arrive at the gallery with a wire backing or an easy to hang set-up. An Artist resume and/or bio is optional.

All questions regarding this show should be directed to

There will be a cash award for the work selected by the jury that depicts a Nude or Nudes in a "notable conventional/classical manner." A cash award will also be given to the work selected that depicts a Nude or Nudes in a "notable unconventional/creative manner."

Nudes will open on November 12th, 2005 and the reception will be held from 6-9pm.

Nude International

Deadline: October 14, 2005

The Nude is an annual, juried international art exhibit now in its 20th year, sponsored by the Lexington Art League, of Lexington, Kentucky. Exhibition dates are January 14 - March 5, 2006.

The Nude celebrates one of the most classic and enduring forms to challenge artists. All artists using visual media are eligible to enter. Pat Oliphant, renowned editorial cartoonist and accomplished artist, will jury. Significant prize money is available. The postmark deadline to apply is Oct. 14. Entry fee: $25 for 1-3 slides, $35 for 4-6 slides. Slides ONLY accepted. Prospectuses are available on their website, or send a SASE to:

The Nude
Lexington Art League
209 Castlewood Drive
Lexington, KY 40505

For more information, please call 859-254-7024.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

More artwork for Katrina (and/or Rita) Relief

Some more of our gallery artists have made available art to be auctioned off for hurricane Katrina and Rita relief causes. All net proceeds will be donated to the Southern Arts Federation.

The Southern Arts Federation has established an Emergency Relief Fund to assist arts organizations and artists residing in Gulf Coast communities most devastated by Hurricane Katrina, and now I suppose also Rita.

We have the art online here, and it includes work by Vladimir Pcholkin, Jacqueline Saunders, Camille Mosley-Pasley, and myself. See all four here.

click to bid on Pcholkin photo

Vladimir Pcholkin Nude XII
Bid here.

Iris Cluster by Jackie Saunders

Jacqueline Saunders Iris Cluster
Bid here.

Bid for Mosley-Pasley here

Camille Mosley-Pasley Bonnie & Jasmine (from Mama Love series)
Bid here.

bid for Frida and Elvis
F. Lennox Campello "Frida Wearing an Elvis T-Shirt"
Bid here.

My Frida Wearing an Elvis T-Shirt is a silly pen and ink wash drawing that I did in 1978 on the first anniversary of the King's death. In it I married two of my icons: Kahlo and Elvis, and had Frida wearing an Elvis T-shirt under her rebozo. Sacrilege or what?

Wanna go to an Opening Tonite?

DC area artist Diane Bugash's work is one of the sort of art that can be spotted in a group show right away. And not only because Diane is an exceptional painter, but also because she will not paint on a "normal" or ordinary canvas.

Bugash shapes her canvas until they become an integral and intelligent part of her painting. All shapes and sizes...

And Bugash has an opening tonight in Baltimore's Light Street Gallery, located at 1448 Light Street, Baltimore, MD 21230, 410-234-0047 and website here. The opening is from 5-9PM, and the show runs until October 15.

See ya there!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Warehouse Peace Weekend

Warehouse Gallery has six gallery spaces devoted to the peace effort though the exhibition Where's the Peace? Details here.

They will be open all weekend, and the exhibit feautures 45 artists examining war and peace in our world through painting, sculpture, photography, installation, and video.

Additionally, the Warehouse Screening Room has a free film all weekend: Trail of Feathers: The Missile Dick Chicks.

Meet the Missile Dick Chicks in person tonight (open till midnight).

Wanna go to an opening on Sunday?

The Sandy Spring Museum presents Photography is Dead; Long Live Photography.

Opening reception, Sunday, Sept 25, 2-4 pm. Organized and curated by Bert GF Shankman, an expressionist flower photographer and master printer, this exhibition focuses on Gyclee-printed photography and includes the work of the always innovative Danny Conant, Libby Cullen, Min Enghauser, Judith Goodman, Colleen Henderson, Allan Hockett, Barbara Southworth, Barbara Tyroler, and Frank Van Riper.

Most of the artists will be available to discuss their work. Rt. 108 and Bentley Rd, Sandy Spring. 301-774-0022.