Options 2005 (first report)
It's just a little bit past midnight, and yet the emails are already pouring in about what a great opening Options 2005 hosted and as to the significant number of works that sold at the opening (around $15,000), which is always (as an art dealer's perspective) a good sign for a show designed to showcase new, emerging talent!
I am sorry that I missed the opening, but I am home and sore from some new cool hamstring-stretching routines that we learned tonite (we have a new Sensei, and she's really good!) Photos and more details later (of Options 2005 that is).
And let me be the first to send a virtual congrats to the WPA/C.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Transformer Auction
Transformer's 2nd Annual Silent Auction Benefit and Reception is coming on Saturday, October 29, 2005 from 7 to 10pm.
Hosted by Fusebox, the auction will feature over 40 original artworks and limited edition prints by some of our area's emerging and best known artists.
Details here.
Artists in the curated auction are:
Gabriel Abrantes
Ken Ashton
Lisa Bertnick
Kheshan Blunt
Chan Chao
William Christenberry
Mary Coble
Billy Colbert
Cynthia Connolly
Frank Day
Jason Falchook
Suzanna Fields
Sabrina Gschwandtner
Jason Gubbiotti
Linda Hesh
Lucy Hogg
James Huckenpahler
Jeff Huntington
Erick Jackson
Susan Jamison
Judy Jashinsky
Nicholas Kahn & Richard Selesnick
Dean Kessmann
Avish Khebrehzadeh
Jae Ko
Bridget Lambert
Pepa Leon
Mike Lowry
Kevin MacDonald
Maki Maruyama
Mimi Masse
Maggie Michael
Jiha Moon
William A. Newman
Piero Passacantando
Beatrice Valdes Paz
Lucian Perkins
WC Richardson
Luis Silva
Jeff Spaulding
Dan Steinhilber
Zach Storm
Trish Tillman
Kelly Towles
Jason Zimmerman
Ian Whitmore
Tickets can be bought online here and then click on the tab for "auction."
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Options 2005 Opening Tonight
Anybody who is anybody in our area's visual arts universe, and maybe even those who only frequent the same 2-3 galleries, but comment in general terms about all of our galleries and area artists, will be at the Options 2005 opening tonight.
I have my usual Thursday night martial arts class (and I missed last week's because of California travel), so I will miss the opening. The reception is from 6:30-8:30PM at the former Staples store in Georgetown (located at 3307 M Street, NW).
Someone please email me some comments and/or some photos of the opening.
New Blog
Andrew Wodzianski, who will be having his second solo exhibition with us opening next October 21st at our Georgetown gallery, will really be pushing the technology button in this coming exhibition through the use of innovative audio technology advances.
And in the next few weeks, our local media and you all will be hearing a lot in the DC area about Yellow Arrows.
More on that and Andrew's exhibition later; meanwhile, The Zodiac Group has a new variation on the art blog with Wodcast: A Blog dedicated to the use of technology for artist and audience interaction.
Visit Wodcast here.
Additions to the collection
Last night I went to the Art-O-Matic happy hour at Warehouse, and while there, I ran into Alexandra Silverthorne, who was busily hanging her show upstairs. Alexandra has one of the three second floor galleries; the other two being filled by the intelligent work of Joe Barbaccia and Pat Dunning.
So I went upstairs to look the work, and came away with two of Alexandra's photographs, which by the way: are a steal; and which by the way: are one of a kind Holga silverprints; and which by the way: she's donating half of the proceeds to Empower DC, Project Northstar, Charlie's Place, and other local organizations that provide services to DC's low-income and homeless residents.
The three person show is up for viewing now at Warehouse, and the opening reception is Thursday, October 13th, 6-8PM. Preview Alexandra's work here.
Looking for some couples
Chris Combs is a photojournalism intern at the Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive and a photojournalism student at the Corcoran College of Art and Design, and he's working on a project documenting both inter-racial (Caucasian, Black, Asian and Native American) and inter-ethnic (Hispanic, Arabic, Persian, Laplander, etc.) couples and "the struggles they face in a surprisingly skeptical society."
Interested couples can contact Chris via email or call him at 703/304.8241