Friday, October 28, 2005

Sheila Blake Responds

Options 2005 artist Sheila Blake responds to my criticism of her work:

Dear Lenny,

It's possible to look at two thousand, or 20 thousand paintings and still miss what looking is all about. Fortunately for me, Libby Lumpkin has that ability but I wish you'd at least concede that there are some things that you don't understand -- (I love Vermeer, but that has nothing to do with my intention; The tradition I work in has much more to do with Bonnard and Rousseau, Birchfield and Wolf Kahn).

My paintings can be looked at forever and they'll keep yielding up new things. The most superficial way of seeing them is that they're paintings of my back yard. (Although if you came out to my back yard, that's not what you'd see.) What I'm doing is constructing a reality and if you'd let yourself enter into the paintings, really walk around in them, you'd feel the air, and a specific moment in time. If you look up at the sky there'd be the surprise of that particular sky and the whole configuration of buildings and trees creates spaces that you can wander up to, through, even around and be endlessly satisfied. And there is also an ominous quality -- spring isn't the pastel spring that you think of, but some almost acidic feeling of being oversaturated with the moist air. Winter has to do with the rhythm of the bare branches and shadows and the golden light hitting the tops of the trees and sometimes a feeling of gloom. If you look at the pastels, the information is in them; they are my point of departure, but then the paintings are re-imagined to create a new reality.(That's not kudzu on the tree -- it's Virginia creeper, but what's on the real tree is English ivy. The crepe myrtle I lifted from Pinehurst N.C. along with the loblolly pine.) And then there's the light. The way I use color to create light has everything to do with the most subtle color interactions.

It's easy to dismiss as the cliché' of "light" -- but who really does this in the way I do? My color isn't representational, but creates a light and atmosphere which can be felt. I've never seen it and I'll bet you haven't either.

I'm writing this because I'm so disappointed at the superficial way you have categorized and dismissed my work. It's clear from your critique that you are either unable or unwilling to immerse yourself in a deeper way of looking.

I'm going to quote Jed Perl here: "the more an artist asks us to look at a work over a period of time, the more a work drops beneath the radar screens that criticism has set up to track the contemporary scene."

I have the highest standards for my paintings. I mean every single brush stroke. I've been a painter my whole life; I taught at Duke for years and at the Corcoran.

I know what I'm talking about. My hope is that you'll think about what I'm saying and take another look.

Sheila Blake

Thursday, October 27, 2005

UVA and Cuban Art

Slowly but surely, the University of Virginia Museum of Art is acquiring an interesting collection of Cuban art.

Yesterday, an exhibition titled "Mi Cuerpo, Mi País: Cuban Art Today," curated by Andrea Douglas opened at the museum, and includes work by the leading vanguard of Cuban artists in the world.

Some of the works in this exhibition are on loan from us, or have been acquired by the Museum in the past couple of years.

Cuban artists in the exhibition that we represent include:

Aimee Garcia Marrero

Elsa Mora

Cirenaica Moreira

Marta Maria Perez Bravo

Sandra Ramos

The exhibit runs through Dec. 23rd and there's a gallery talk on November 5 at 2PM.

The Kids Aren’t All Right

Is over-education killing young artists?

Read this interesting piece by Aaron Rose here.

Gallery Talk

Andrew Wodzianski, whose current show at our Georgetown gallery is getting a lot of attention due to its marriage of technology for immediate feedback to the artwork, will be having a gallery talk this coming Saturday, October 29th at 1 PM.

The talk should be interesting, if anything because of the significant number of recorded and text comments that AW has received so far, as well as his unusual interest in Mexican wrestling.

The talk is free and open to the public. The gallery is at 1054 31st Street, NW inside the Canal Square in Georgetown. 202/298-6450.

Arts Beat

Jonathan Padget with further proof that our area's visual arts scene is one of the best around. Read it here.

Too bad the WaPo continues to ignore it. Thursdays used to be "Galleries" day in Style. In the year since they cut the "Galleries" column from weekly to twice a month, the WaPo's new Style editor (Ms. Deb Heard) has consciously decided to keep Style's coverage of art galleries down to a bare 25 or so reviews/columns a year!

There are over 1,000 visual art shows in the DC area each year in our commercial fine art galleries, non-profit visual art spaces, embassy venues, cultural institutes, etc.

It's certainly not "lack of print space," which is generally the excuse that the WaPo has given me in the past. In today's Style there are three music reviews and two theatre reviews.

All this on the day that Style is supposed to focus on "Galleries."

And an Arts Beat column telling us how good our art scene is, which now includes good apartment shows, like they have in NY and LA.


Might as well add those to the ever growing list of visual art shows that will be ignored by Style's ever diminishing coverage of our visual art scene.

25 yearly reviews/columns from a potential set of 1,001 exhibitions, and counting.


A couple of days ago I mentioned in my review of Options 2005 that it seems like Suzanna Fields is all over the place these days, in the sense that I keep seeing her work in exhibitions all around the region.

Another artist whose name suddenly is everywhere is the talented Jiha Moon, who's not only the most recent winner of the prestigious Trawick Prize, but who has also been exhibiting (and selling) all over and everywhere!

And Moon's works will be taken to Scope Miami by Curator's Office (who is also taking Marianela de la Hoz.

But what brought her name to my attention today is that Moon will also be part of the University of Maryland's Union Gallery exhibition titled Boundaries: Contemporary Landscape, on view November 10 through December 22, 2005.

The exhibition features four Washington, D.C. area artists - Karey Kessler, Isabel Manalo, Jiha Moon, and Christine Buckton Tillman. The opening reception will be held Thursday, November 10 from 5 to 7pm.

Silverthorne on Wodzanski

Alexandra reviews the Wodcast Revolution here.