Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Sculpture Unbound

Washington Project for the Arts\Corcoran and Washington Sculptors Group

Sculpture Unbound: "An exhibition of work stretching the boundaries of the field of sculpture"
Edison Place Gallery, 701 8th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
January 9 - April 6, 2006

Juror: Glenn Harper, editor Sculpture magazine.

The competition will be juried from digital images and slides by Glenn Harper, editor of Sculpture.

Work to be considered: Three-dimensional freestanding sculpture, wall and ceiling hung sculpture, installations, and new media. No pedestals will be provided. Gallery has 8 feet high ceilings, loading dock with standard double door to enter the gallery, movable walls and track lighting. All work accepted and exhibited must remain on display for the full duration of the show.

Eligibility: The exhibition is open to members of Washington Project for the Arts/Corcoran and Washington Sculptors Group. Artists who are not already members may join either or both organizations. New members may request a membership form by calling and leaving a name and address or downloading it from the websites: WPA/C 202-639-1828 or WSG 202-686-8696 or

Existing members of either group must have paid their dues for 2006 to be eligible for this exhibition.

Digital Images: Artist must send digital images as an email entry. The artist must include an up to date resume and Image Index including name, address, phone of artist and title, dimensions, materials, date completed and insurance value for no more than 2 entries and no more than a total of 4 images. Each image should be labeled with the artist's last name, first initial and image number 1-4. (WalkerF1, WalkerF2)
1.) All images must be saved as Jpegs (.jpg)
2.) All images must be saved at 72 dpi
3.) All images must be no larger than 4x5 inches or 800k in size

Mailing address for Digital Entries:

For more info: WPA/C
Washington Project for the Arts\Corcoran
500 17th St., NW
Washington, DC
t: 202.639.1828 or f: 202.639.1778 or or

Art Obituaries

Art Obituaries is an immensely interesting project designed to commemorate "art that was" by documenting accounts of an artwork's death, and thus creating a living discourse where there once was none.

Through an online process on their website, they invite artists to document the untimely or planned death of their work of art, providing a rare glimpse into an artwork's eleventh hour, exploring the nature of an artwork's life, death, and the process in-between. Artists are encouraged to investigate the concept of their artwork's obituary through a written or photo essay, text, image or whatever creative expression that pays proper tribute to their dearly departed.

Visit them here.

When Madmen Rule

Bailey on Shirin Neshat, Iran, and the execution of gay teens in Iran.

Read it here.


Rose Folsom’s artwork grows out of her life-long passion for writing and of her years as a professional calligrapher. After years of study in classical western writing, Ms. Folsom began to explore writing as an expressive art: words and moving lines working together to say something new through their shape, movement and color.

Rose Folsom: Written Paintings will be on display at the first floor galleries in Strathmore Mansion on Rockville Pike opening on November 20th from 3-5PM. The show goes through Dec. 30th.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Top 100

Matt with a list of the "Power 100" in international art from the Financial Times.

Read it here.

Boy or Girl?

"Hey, is that a boy or a girl? - Artists Look at Gender" is a new exhibition opening next Friday, November 4th from 6:00pm-to 10:00pm and on view through Sunday, December 4th, 2005 at the Warehouse Gallery.

Below is "going...#1" by Allison B.Miner.

going...#1 by Allison B.Miner Some of the artists in the show include JS Adams, Richard Kightlinger, Dan Murray, Ruth Trevarrow, Scott G. Brooks, Ira Tattelman, Steve Sticher, Mark Osele, Dylan Scholinski, John Borstal, Alison B. Miner, Isabel Bigelow, Luis Castro, Sam Huang, Lynette Spencer, Judy Jashinsky, Matt Hollis, Jeff Morin, Abby Freeman, Sally Laux and more!

Wolov on Blake on Me on Blake...

Read it here.