Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Re-inventing painting

Videopainter.... videopaintism... videopaintist...

Scott Hutchison's I Dont Know

That's what I have dubbed Scott Hutchison: a videopainter.

And just when some of you and Blake thought that the ancient medium had nothing left to give, along comes Arlington-based Scott Hutchison and delivers something so "new" that I am sure that were Scott showing in NYC or LA, curators from the Corcoran or the Hirshhorn would be descending on this show like bugs on your porch light (the last time Scott showed with us, he created something of a controversy because of this).

Typical video art: Film something boring, or something artsy, or something sexy, or an old classic movie a frame-at-a-time, and then sell photographic stills from the video.

The new videopainting: Spend months and months creating a set of small paintings; superbly painted works, each and every one of them, and then marry then (through technology and video) into a singularly unique and new idea: like this one.

Click here or here if you want to see what one of the future(s) of painting looks like.

Come to the opening at our Fraser Gallery Georgetown on Friday, November 18, from 6-9PM if you want to see a gallery full of something "new."

Not a Whisper by Scott Hutchison

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Richard on Newman

The WaPo's former Chief Art Critic delivers a rare and welcomed thing: an unexpected review.

Paul Richard reviews William Newman at Adamson.

More please...

P.S. And the current WaPo Chief Art Critic, Blake Gopnik, last Sunday delivered a really good review of Alice Neel at the NMWA.

Openings this week

On Thursday, November 17, Susan Calloway Fine Arts has Alison Hall Cooley: Recent Works – Abstract Oil Paintings opening from 5-8PM. Cooley has exhibited in Washington, DC, Virginia, and Massachusetts. She is the winner of several awards, including the Charles C. McDougall Award for Promising New Artist. Cooley attended the Corcoran School of Art in Washington, DC, and Sarah Lawrence University.

Also on Thursday, The League of Reston Artists has the opening for their Annual Juried Theme Exhibition: "Edges". The awards reception is at Walker & Company from 6-8PM.

On Friday, being the third Friday of the month, the Georgetown Canal Square Galleries have their extended hours and openings.

We will have an amazing show by Scott Hutchison, perhaps one of our area's most innovative and talented videopainters; more on that later.

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: December 9, 2005

Stretched Tight is an exhibition that is open to all artists in the United States and abroad working in the ancient medium that refuses to die: painting.

Artists are encouraged to submit work that challenges conventional notions. Work may represent a broad range of subjects, genres, concepts and/or processes.

Juror: My good friend Jack Rasmussen, Director and Curator of the Katzen Arts Center at American University, Washington D.C.

Jack has also served as the Executive Director of the di Rosa Preserve: Art & Nature, Napa, CA and the Maryland Art Place (MAP) in Baltimore.

Deadline December 9, 2005. Show dates February 24 - March 26, 2006. Entry fee $30.00 for three images (slide or CD). $500.00 in award money.

For a prospectus send a SASE to the:
Target Gallery
Torpedo Factory Art Center
105 North Union St
Alexandria VA 22314

Or call 703-838-4565 x 4, or E-mail:

This looks like fun

Deadline: November 30, 2005

The Masters Mystery Art Show 2005 is an international exhibition that will coincide with Art Basel Miami Beach 2005.

Artists are invited to donate original work in any medium in a 6 x 9 postcard format to be sold for the affordable price of $50. All artists names will be published at the time of the exhibition but the works will be displayed anonymously and the identity of the artist will only be revealed to the purchaser after the completion of the sale.

The event is organized for the sole benefit of the prestigious Master of Fine Arts in Visual Arts (MFA) program at Florida International University, Miami. In its remarkably successful 2004 inaugural edition, which took place at the Ritz Carlton South Beach, over 1000 artworks by more than 500 artists and celebrities from art related fields were featured and over $20,000 was raised for the MFA program.

It's so easy to participate! Just download the Entry Form and the Artist Info Form from this website.

Wanna go to an opening?

Salve Regina Gallery at the Catholic University of America presents: Hollow Work with an opening reception on Wednesday, November 16 2005 from 6-9PM.

Artists include: Joan Ganzevoort, Lancelot Coar, Mary Frank and Phoebe Esmon.

The Salve Regina Gallery
Catholic University of America
620 Michigan Ave NE
Washington, DC 20009

South American Holiday

South American Holiday opens at the Anne C. Fisher Gallery in Georgetown this coming Friday, 18 November with an opening reception from 6-8pm.

The exhibition features South American artists Joan Belmar (Chile), Patricia Secco (Brazil), Luis Scotti (Uruguay) and Helga Thomson (Argentina).

The exhibition hangs through 13 January, 2006.