Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Evolution of a Drawing

Another one of the recurring themes that I continually revisit in my own artwork is the imagery of Saint Sebastian.

A few years ago I did a massive ink wash drawing of St. Sebastian. I was titled "St. Sebastian in a Dissolving Gene Davis Landscape," and I think that it eventually sold through It looked like this:

St Sebastian in a Gene Davis Landscape

Anyway... that ink drawing was supposed to be the anchor for an oil painting that I never created, but the image of the martyr remained with me, and a couple of days ago I finished the following piece, which is charcoal on 300 weight paper, and about 4.5 inches by 16.5 inches.

Saint Sebastian by Campello

This piece will be at my show opening next Friday at Fraser Gallery Georgetown. See more of the work for that exhibition online here.

Washington Glass School Moving Sale

The Washington Glass School is getting kicked out of their spaces due to the eminent domain "rights" of the city and in order to build the Nats' new stadium.

And thus they are hosting a Holiday Sale and Open House at their current spaces on Half St. SE. today.

This will be their final day at the old location before the big move, so they will be selling off every piece of glass and artwork thats in situ rather than move it.

Lots of food, art, glass, and music.

When : Saturday, Dec. 10th from 2 to 6pm - free of charge.
What : Washington Glass School's Holiday Party and Open House
Where : at the Washington Glass School
1338 Half St. SE
Washington, DC 20003

Plenty of free parking right outside or they are 1 1/2 blocks from the Navy Yard metro (green line) on Capitol Hill.

ArtHelps Update II

I know that I've already reported on the ArtHelps auction, but I've got some more info and because this is an important auction for a good cause, I wanted to pass on more details.

Assuming everyone who bid and won comes back to claim and pay for their night's claim, they will surpass a total bid amount of $30,000 -- which also includes about $4,000 in bids for travel packages and about $14K coming from the art from the ArtHelps collection that was auctioned and will be divided three ways: to Food & Friends, DCAC and to the event itself.

The remaining $12,000 in bidding was done on donated works from artists and galleries who stepped up to the plate to raise some money and raise some awareness about art life in the DC community.

It's my hope that next year more galleries and more artists and more bidders will make the 2006 ArtHelps even more successful.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Bethesda Art Walk tonight

The snow has been cleared and the galleries will be open!

This is the second Friday of the month and thus it's the Bethesda Art Walk with 13 participating venues and with free guided tours.
Marianela de la Hoz
And we will have our annual Winter Group Show, featuring an entire gallery full of new work by the artists that we represent as well as invited work by several past competitions prizewinners.

We will also be showing three small miniatures by our latest artist that we're now representing: Marianela de la Hoz.

If you recall, I fell in love with her work when I first saw it at the Mexican Cultural Institute a while back. I then visited her in San Diego, and now she will be part of our represented artists. For this group show she has created three small egg temperas with the usual play on imagery and words that attracted so much attention at the Cultural Institute and more recently at Scope Miami.

In this group show we will have three pieces by Marianela:

1. "Ideas Necias, mi cabeza-pelota bota" ("Stubborn ideas, my ball-head bounces") Egg tempera on board, 5.3 x 2.1 inches.

2. "Camina aparentemente libre" ("She walks pretending to be free") Egg tempera on board, 4.5 x 2.7 inches.

3. "Adiós de Tintorería" ("Farewell drycleaners style") Egg tempera on board, 5.3 x 3.1 inches.

More images of other artists here.

Naked Knitting

Remember the exhibition curated by Binnie Fry that caused all the ruckus because of the nudity in some of the crocheted figures? If not, see the original posting about it here.

Anyway, American Craft Magazine just published a review of that show.

Snowy Inspiration

For some reason snowy days seem to inspire me to get down and draw. And I was up and early this morning and finished the below, somewhat silly drawing.

It is titled "Woman on the Moon About to be Swept Off Her Feet by a Flying Bald Man." It is charcoal on 300 weight paper, and about six by five inches. It will be at my show, which opens next Friday at Fraser Gallery Georgetown.
Woman on the Moon About to be Swept Off Her Feet by a Flying Bald Man

See some of the other drawings that will be in the exhibition here.

The Police on D. Billy and Nathan Manuel

The world's number-one Google return for "anti Texas Longhorn"... ah... reviews D. Billy and Nathan Manuel at DCAC.

Read it here.

By the way, the artists will be having a talk at DCAC on Sunday December 11 at 5PM.