Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Art Jobs at Local Universities

Graphic Design Position: American University

Assistant Professor rank. New tenure track faculty line. Beginning Fall 2006. Qualifications: MFA or equivalent terminal degree in the discipline. Teaching and professional experience preferred, but not required. The applicant should be knowledgeable of current issues in design, the demands of the professional field and the tools, technologies and resources inherent to the discipline. Expected familiarity with the theoretical issues of graphic design as well as its historical background. Ability to contribute to the teaching of interactive and experience design courses.

Responsibilities: Teaching graphic design at the undergraduate level, basic through advanced levels. Student advising, including mentoring women and minority students. Scholarship/Creative work: active professional in the field. University service: serving on Department, College and University Committees. Salary is competitive and dependent on qualifications and experience. Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2005 and will continue until the position is filled. Selected candidate will begin appointment working at facilities located in a brand-new building.

Visit www.design.american.edu and www.american.edu for further information on the University and the design program. Include letter of application stating teaching philosophy, curriculum vitae, a minimum of 20 slides or disk media with samples of own work and (if available) examples of student's work, and printed writing samples if any. No email applications will be reviewed. Send materials along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope for their return, and three letters of recommendation to:

Chemi Montes-Armenteros
Committee Chair
Graphic Design Search Committee
Department of Art
American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20016-8004

Assistant Professor of New Media: George Washington University

The department is seeking applicants from a wide range of practices, such as digital arts, installation, and time-based media. Applicants must have an MFA or extensive professional experience and recognition; two years teaching experience beyond graduate school is preferred, and creative work should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the history and theory of New Media, as well as the ways in which contemporary artists incorporate emerging technologies into their practice. The successful candidate will be expected to take the leading role in developing a New Media curriculum that encourages the fusion of traditional and contemporary media. Responsibilities include actively producing and exhibiting work, teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, developing curriculum, keeping current with technology, supervising a digital lab, serving on departmental, college and university committees.

Applicants must submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, artist's statement addressing current creative work, sample syllabi of courses taught or proposed (please specify), 20 slides (or equivalent in digital format) each of current personal work and that of students, 3 letters of reference and SASE to:

New Media Search Committee
Department of Fine Arts and Art History
The George Washington University
801 22nd Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20052

Review of applications will begin on January 23, 2006, and continue until the position is filled. Salary: Open. Type: Tenure-track.

Library Fellows Grant

Deadline: January 31, 2006.

The National Museum of Women in the Arts invites applicants for its annual Library Fellows Grant. The Library Fellows program provides up to $12,000 annually for the production of an artist book in an edition of 125. An additional $1,000 is provided for the artist to create 500 copies of a promotional brochure for the book, as well as $1,000 for the artist to travel to the Library Fellows' annual meeting to present her book upon completion.

Grant guidelines and application are available on the NMWA website. Information about the program is available at: this website. For more information, please contact the NMWA Library and Research Center at 202.783.7365.

Male Figure Drawing Group

Frederick Nunley hosts a drawing group focused on only male figure models at Warehouse Gallery every Monday night from 7:00 to 10:00 PM at 1019 Seventh St. NW on the second floor. Fee $10 and drop ins are always welcome.

Frederick Nunley
Male Figure Drawing Group
Woodcut55@aol.com (subject:Figure Drawing)
Tel: (202) 635-1309

Monday, January 09, 2006

Gender Bias

Edna V. Harris, who pens Anonymous Female Artist (a.k.a. Militant Art Bitch) is having a fascinating online conversation with Biennial co-curator Chrissie Iles on the subject of gender bias at the Whitney.

Read it all here. Keep at 'em Edna!

Heather on PostSecret

Heather over at Two Timing the Cosmos has an excellent review of the PostSecret exhibition and also some good photos. See it all here.

And Heather's friend Chai, has some equally intelligent comments on the whole PostSecret phenomenom here.

Huge lines

As I drove around M Street on Saturday afternoon, I couldn't believe my eyes at the huge line outside the PostSecret exhibition waiting to see the show! If this show doesn't or didn't make your own Top Ten list, then I really think that you ought to consider the fact that the last time that anyone lined up to see a visual arts show in DC was for a dude named Vermeer, and previous to that for Van Gogh; now add Frank Warren to the list.

I wonder if Warren is considering traveling this show to other venues?

Amy Lin saw the lines as well and took some photos; see one below:
line waiting to see Frank Warren's PostSecret exhibition

The book, PostSecret Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives compiled by Frank Warren, with a foreword by Anne C. Fisher, Ph.D. is today number 27 in Amazon's best-seller list!


Rejected from the 2006 Northern Virginia Fine Arts Festival, which really sucks, since it's one of my biggest (personal) moneymaking oulets for my own work.

It's staged by the Greater Reston Arts Center in Virginia. Later this year I will be curating "Text: Phase II" for them, bringing together again the artists who were in the Text gallery at Seven.