Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Back from NPR

click here for Kojo

Just back from doing about 45 minutes on the Kojo Nnamdi Show discussing the Greater Washington area visual arts and artists along with the City Paper's art critic Jeffry Cudlin and the Katzen's Jack Rassmussen.

If you missed the show, you can listen to it on WAMU 88.5 FM by clickling this link for the first part and the end of the show here.

New gallery opening soon on U Street

Project 4 Gallery will be opening soon at 903 U Street NW Washington DC 20001 tel: 202/232-4340 and website here.

The grand opening reception is February 25, 2006 from 6-8:30PM featuring the works of Lori Grinker.


Silverthorne on Interface

Alexandra Silverthorne, over at Solarize This, reviews our current show at Fraser Bethesda; Interface: Art & Technology.

Read the review here.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

He Who Owns the Walls (can censor it?)

A couple of weeks ago I told you that the Mid City Artists were holding their Winter Art Exhibition at the Results Gallery at Results the Gym Capitol Hill.
Angela White's offending painting
And Anne Marchand attended the opening together with artist Angela White and were surprised to discover that (as Marchand reports) they were:

"Surprised when two of Angela's oils on canvas weren't hung by the management because a certain part of the male anatomy was visible. A classical nude by Regina Miele was also NOT hung by the management."
Today in the WaPo's Reliable Source column, Amy Artsinger and Rozanne Roberts pick up on the story first reported by Marchand in her Blog.

The WaPo's Reliable Source reports that:Censored art by Regina Miele's in the club policy: "Because of our family-friendly environment, we don't hang artwork that adults wouldn't feel comfortable discussing with their children," said Sarah French , director of operations.

White's a "great artist," said French, but crossed the "no nudity" line: "You've got to be clothed outside the locker area."
Apparently that also applies to paintings and drawings.

See Adrian Parsons' post on this same subject here.

Monday, January 23, 2006

On the air on Wednesday

click here to hear Kojo

Later this week (on Wednesday, January 25, 2006) I'll be on the Kojo Nmandi Show discussing the Greater Washington area visual arts and artists as I usually do once a quarter or so. Tune in to WAMU 88.5 FM around 12 PM (noon).

If you have any questions or art issues, you can call Kojo during the show at (800) 433-8850 or you can email me questions to

After the show I will post here all the websites and information that we discuss on the air.


Congrats to Frank Warren's PostSecret blog, which has been nominated in a record five categories for the 2006 Bloggies awards, including Best American Weblog and Weblog of the Year!

See the finalists and cast your votes here.

Kirkland on PostSecret and Campello

Thinking About Art has a review of the amazing PostSecret phenomenom and also of my recent exhibition.

Read both of them here.