Friday, June 23, 2006
Wanna go to an opening tonight?
"Cut" by Bradley McCallum & Jacqueline Tarry, opens at Conner Contemporary tonigt with an opening reception from 6-8 pm.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
More on the Odom and Banks Controversy
Teresa Annas, writing for the Virginian-Pilot in Norfolk pens a superb article that goes to the point of the "copying" issue between naive artist Michael Banks and his former framer Doug Odom. Read the Annas article here and my posting on the same issue here.
By the way, according to Banks' art dealer, she sold 22 of his paintings during last week's Affordable Art Fair in NYC. Their space was 10 feet from ours and it was humming, so I believe her.
The painting on the left is done by Doug Odom. The one on the right is by Michael Banks.
Update: The Right Reverend chimes in.
I'll be at American University today as guest lecturer for their Curatorial Practice class (ARTS 596-N01).
More later...
Hoity toity party last night at the new and improved (and renamed) Smithsonian American Art Museum, which will soon re-open to the public. There will be a series of parties receptions to celebrate the reopening of this building after extensive renovations.
However, the "happening" party was actually almost across the street from SAAM at Tim Tate's pad, as several of the artists who live in that building on G Street were having a summer solstice bash and a couple of the artsy apartments were packed with artists, gallerists, curators and food and drinks.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Rousseau on Bethesda Painting Awards
Dr. Claudia Rousseau reviews Joe White and Renee Butler at Bethesda’s Osuna Gallery and also reviews our current exhibition of the Bethesda Painting Awards.
Read the review in The Gazette here.
Opportunity for Artists
Deadline: Jul 01, 2006
Seeking proposals from artists, groups of artists, arts organizations and curators for exhibition in Marfa, Texas in Oct 2006. No slides; no returns. Please send 1-page written explanation of the premise of exhibition, names and resumes of all participants, images of artists' work on non-returnable CD-ROM/printed images from invitations, brochures etc. to:
A Marfa Moment
The Marfa Studio of Arts
Box 1189, Marfa TX 79843