Thank you!
To the artists who sent me art as a birthday present! WOW! I was only kidding serious!
And in return I will send all of you a piece of artwork for your walls!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Robin Rose at Hemphill
Robin Rose, one of the District's most influential painters, opens this Saturday, Sept. 16 at Hemphill Fine Arts. This will be Rose's first solo at Hemphill since he switched galleries from Numark Gallery, where he used to exhibit in prior years. The opening reception for Rose is Saturday, September 16, 2006 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM.
This is shaping like the week to see two of the District's giants of paintings, as Manon Cleary, easily one of the most technically gifted and creative painters that I have seen in all my years of looking at the visual arts, also opens this week, in her case Cleary opens on Thursday at Edison Place Gallery.
Opportunity for Artists
Deadline: September 22, 2006
The Arts Council of Fairfax County announces Arts Council @ GRACE, a juried art exhibition offering $2,000 in prize monies.
This year’s exhibition will mark a first time collaboration with the regional visual art center GRACE in Reston, VA. Artists from DC, MD, or VA are encouraged to apply. Artists working in any media can submit up to four (4) images on CD, or video totaling no more than five (5) minutes on DVD.
Juror: Jack Rasmussen, Director and Curator of the American University Museum at the Katzen. Cash prizes totaling $2000. Entry Fee: $35 (waived for Arts Council and GRACE members). Exhibition will take place November 3 – December 1, 2006.
Information is available on their at website at or contact Angela Jerardi, Visual Arts Coordinator at
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Art Narratives
WOW! Check out the kind of artwork presentation that Paradise Studios has done for Bailey.
It's about 2MBytes - Click here.
Gopnikisms"One of the things that drive me crazy is that there's this notion, especially among younger artists, that to make serious art some woman has to get naked. I see it in performance art all the time."
- Blake Gopnik
1. Capps polices Gopnik here.
2. Bailey... ah "Baileys" Gopnik here.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Opportunity for Artists
Deadline: October 6, 2006
The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities' Art Bank Program has a call for entries as they are purchasing artwork to be part of the District of Columbia's 2007 Art Bank Program.
Works in the collection are owned by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities and loaned to other District Government agencies for display in public areas. Deadline: October 6, 2006.
For more information and an application, please visit their website to download the Call for Entries application, or call 202-724-5613 to have one sent to you.
The City's Art Bank is a growing collection of moveable works funded through DC Creates Public Art, the District’s Art in Public Places Program.
Works in the collection are owned by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities and are loaned to other District government agencies for display in public areas of government buildings. This collection helps preserve the city’s past and is an important legacy for future generations. Currently, approximately 1,600 artworks are on display in more than 100 agencies.