Tuesday, October 17, 2006


The new Randall Scott Gallery in Washington, DC is looking for interns. Give him a call at 202/332-0806.

Two New DC Galleries

Meat Market Gallery opened at the end of September with a group show of its gallery artists. The new gallery is located at 1636 17th Street, NW in DC.

Opening this weekend is Dissident Gallery, located at 416 H Street, NE. The grand opening is Oct. 20 at 7PM.


I'm in and around DC today. Several posts coming later.

Art Review magazine has gone digital and they're offering six free issues.

Sign up here.

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Evolution of Beauty

Watch this video is you want to know (in part) why our perception of a woman's beauty is so fucked up.

Why Blake is Wrong (Again)

When an art critic hangs his or her entire reputation on joining in early on his writing career with a traditional anchoring art criticism agenda, and for years and years pounds this agenda forth as the true (and only) Gospel for contemporary art, it takes either:

(a) A huge amount of professional courage to realize that the times have left your founding ideas (and the foundation of your agenda) behind as a quaint, and once revolutionary concept, or

(b) Ignore the present, and continue to pound your dated agenda and discredited, once collective ideas and communal concepts as if they're still new, and novel and applicable.

Blake Gopnik, the intelligent and erudite chief art critic of the Washington Post, has told his readers time and time again that:

- Painting is Dead

- Video, Installation Art and Photography are the only contemporary genres worth exploring

- There's something "icky" about nudes

- The holy grail of the art market is a non-existing "new" painting art movement

- Being "up to date" and "new" are key things in contemporary art (nevermind that Video, Installation Art and Photography are quite aged in years now and not the "new kids on the art block" that maybe they once were when Gopnik started writing).

- There's nothing "new" that painting can offer that would have looked much out of place over the past five or ten years in any high-end New York gallery.

- Skill is "banal"

- There's something "icky" about nudes (did I mention that already? Well... he harps on this aversion over and over).

See how many of these Gopnikisms you can find in this traditional Gopnik review of a painting show, in this case his review of "Life After Death: New Leipzig Paintings From the Rubell Family Collection" at the American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center.

2006 DC Gallery Tally

The capital area's gallery sky is not falling!

As far as I know:

DC Area Galleries that have closed (or will close) so far in 2006:

Robert Brown
Fraser Georgetown (moved to Bethesda)
JET Gallery (moved to Chicago)

DC Area Art Galleries that have opened (or will open) in 2006:

Galerie Myrtis
Hillyer Art Space
Long View Gallery
Ninth Street Gallery
Project 4
Randall Scott Gallery
Elizabeth Stone
Woman's Story Gallery

If I've missed anyone, please let me know.

Update: See updated info about Nowuno at ArtDC.org

New Alexandria Gallery

After 15 years in Michigan, Elizabeth Stone has recently relocated her art gallery to King Street in Old Town Alexandria.

The Elizabeth Stone Gallery focuses on children's art, and (as far as I know) is the only art gallery in the Greater DC area, maybe even the whole Mid Atlantic to do so. The gallery specializes in original art, signed limited editions, prints, and children's books by more than one hundred internationally known children's book illustrators.

We'll have a review of the current show later today.