Sunday, February 25, 2007

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: Nov 30, 2007

The Korean Cultural Center in LA is seeking submissions from US artists for the Center's 15th Annual exhibition. Open to all media. Awards of up to $2,900. No entry fee. Send SASE to:

Korean Cultural Center
15th Annual Exhibition
5505 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90036

Or call them at 323-936-7141 or fax them at 323-936-5712(FAX) or email them at

Opportunity for Video Artists

Deadline: March 10, 2007

Call for Video Submissions. In 2007 VVVF, Venturous Vanguard Video Festival, is celebrating its third year. VVVF is curated by the artist Shoshana Brand and funded by Contemporary MAP: Contemporary Modern Art Projects.

In April, 28, 2007 VVVF will be screened in Mission College, in Sylmar, California, together with the 4th Annual Carless Drive-In Video Festival.

VVVF presents video shorts made by international artists. The 2007 Festival theme is: "Laugh, Cry, Be Poetic, Get Crazy" for which all interpretations will be considered. They are accepting short movies, 10 minutes max, from all over the world. Entries are juried. No entry fee. Submission deadline: March 10, 2007. (postmark) Selected movies will receive a VVVF Favorite Cash Award. VVVF is accepting few experimental movies, longer than 10 minutes, for a special guest screening. To obtain an entry form and guidelines, email them at

Call for Artists

Beyond the Canvas gallery in California is seeking professional artists in all mediums. Send them 8-10 images that show range of work, description of pieces including title, size, and medium. Also include your bio and artist statement. Prints, CD, or Jpegs. No entry fee. Send Package to:

Beyond the Canvas
27758 Santa Margarita Pkwy #337
Mission Viejo CA 92691

Scope NY

Scope is apparently going gangbusters in New York, and hardworking Maryland private art dealer Rody Douzoglou got a nice mention in this ArtInfo report by William Hanley.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


To DC gallerist Marsha Ralls, recently profiled (Gallerist Snapshot) in the current March issue of Black & White Photography magazine.

Read it here.

Marsha is also taking work by the artists that she represents for a four day exhibition at the Four Seasons Exclusive Club in Dubai March 6-10, 2007.

Greenhalghian Love

The March Washingtonian magazine issue has a must read article on Corcoran Director and President Peter Greenhalgh and the upcoming $2 million Modernism exhibition which opens March 17 and claims to be "another debut moment for the 138 year old Corcoran Gallery of Art."

"Greenhalgh is the son of a blue collar construction worker, a divorced father of two grown sons with a strong charm & personality that has made him a hit at 'a quarter of a million cocktail parties' as he tries to figure out Washington society."

More importantly, he already owns local art! He recently purchased Linda Hesh's table centerpiece at the recent WPA\C auction.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Returning home a bit earlier. The newsfolk in Denver were talking about a possible snow storm late on Friday, so considering that Denver has been attracting snow in the kind of immense quantities that cause travel nightmares, I decided to bite the bullet, and pay for a ticket exchange and leave earlier.

So I called United on Friday, pay $115 samolians to change my departure from 4:51PM on Friday evening to 12:15PM on Friday afternoon.

About 6:30AM on Friday morning my cell rings and it is one of the worst computer voices that I have ever heard, butchering my name, and then telling me that the 12:15PM flight has been cancelled, but they have managed to re-sked my departure on the 6:38PM.


And so I call United and tell the nice lady who answers the phone the whole story, hoping to have her find the logic of the fact that I paid United an additional $115 bucks to leave earlier, and now I have been re-booked on a flight that actually leaves later than my original sked.

She understands my telephonic bewilderment when she informs me that it is not United policy to return the exchange money, since it was I which initiated the exchange. True, says I, but United did not deliver on the contract to deposit me home earlier.

She wants to talk to her sup.

A significant amount of air minutes later, she comes back, offering me, provided that I can get to the airport in time to catch a 10:23AM departure to San Francisco (by now is around 8AM and I haven't packed nor checked out of the hotel), to then get me home on a nonstop from Frisco to Philly.

I just want to get out of Dodge Denver before the snow hits the fan and so I agree.

With speeds closely approaching the original Star Trek warp factors I somehow get from Littleton to Denver International in under an hour and happily, just barely make my flight.
