Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A ton of comments

The WaPo's James V. Grimaldi, who has been reporting on the whole Smithsonian's Lawrence Small developments, had a live chat earlier today and there are a lot of good questions and some amplifying answers on this issue.

Read the archives here.


To the superbly talented DC area artist Adam Fowler, who will be having his first NYC solo at Margaret Thatcher Projects opening next Friday, March 29, 2007 with a reception from 6-8PM. The exhibition runs through May 5, 2007.
Adam Fowler
Fowler has been doing superbly since the WPA/C's "Seven" exhibition, where his work was included prominently. His drawings were featured in Selections Fall 2005 at the Drawing Center and this past year, Fowler's work was included in The New Collage show at Pavel Zoubok Gallery in New York.

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline for submissions May 14, 2007.

Vox Populi, a nonprofit artist collective located in Philadelphia, is currently accepting submissions for VOXXOXO. The exhibition will run from July 6 through July 28, 2007 and is being juried by Sheryl Conkelton, Director of Tyler School of Arts' Exhibitions and Public Programs, and Kirby Gookin, art historian, critic, curator and public artist.

Artists of all media are invited to submit 3 to 5 examples of completed works. All submitted works must be available for exhibition. Complete applications must include:

1. 3 or 5 images
a. Slides must be labeled with name, title and orientation dot positioned at bottom right hand corner.
b. CD-R: Images saved at 72 dpi resolution on CD-R, sized at 8"x10." Please label each image lastnamefirstname_1.jpg and so forth. CD-R submissions must be accompanied by a printout of images on one 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper.
c. Video: You may submit 2 minute clips of each submitted piece or we will view the first 2 minutes of each submission. The work must be submitted on DVD (NTSC).

2. Completed VOXXOXO submission form (found on their website at www.voxpopuligallery.org).

3. Current resume and artist statement.


5. $20 entry fee for 3 submissions; $30 entry fee for 5 submissions. Please make checks payable to Vox Populi. Do not send cash.

For more information, please visit their website at www.voxpopuligallery.org or call 215-238-1236.

Grants for Artists

Deadline: June 1, 2007

The Harpo Foundation is accepting proposals for grants funding. The Harpo Foundation supports artists that are unrecognized by the field. This applies to all artists whether emerging or further along in their careers. Proposals to the foundation can take the form of installations, public interventions, personal projects, residencies, and under certain conditions, exhibitions. Proposals should include a project description, examples of the artist's work (in digital format) and a resume. A detailed budget breakdown is not necessary, however grant will usually not exceed $10,000. For more information, please contact the Harpo Foundation at 305.442.8242 or email harpofl@earthling.net.

Job in the Arts

Executive Director: Cecil County Arts Council, Inc. - Maryland

CCAC is Cecil county's umbrella cultural organization and awards grants to school and nonprofits presenting arts programs. It has a two-person full-time staff, including E.D.; $92K budget from state grant funding, dues, corporate support and fundraising.

Qualifications: Commitment to community outreach; ability to maintain, nurture and inspire membership; knowledge of art-related issues; managerial, grant writing and fundraising experience; outstanding communication, presentation, public relations skills; experience in working with a board of directors.

Qualified applicants can expect a salary starting at $38,000-$41,000. Benefits: health and dental coverage, retirement, paid vacation, holiday, sick, personal time. Send resume, cover letter , references to:

Personnel Committee
135 E. Main St.
Elkton, MD 21921

Or email copy of resume to maggie.creshkoff@gmail.com.


To DC area ubercollector Fred Ognibene, whose home was just featured in "At Home" magazine, in an article featuring loads of artwork and discussion on the (mostly) DC area artists that Fred collects.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Smithsonian's Lawrence Small Resigns

Just received from Roger Sant, Chair, Executive Committee, Smithsonian Board of Regents

At 12:30 this afternoon, Regent Patti Stonsifer and I will participate in a news conference to announce that we have accepted the resignation of Secretary Lawrence Small, effective immediately. At the same time, we will announce that Cristian Samper, currently director of the National Museum of Natural History, has been named by the Regents to serve as Acting Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, also effective immediately. We also have asked Sheila Burke to continue as Deputy Secretary and Chief Operating Officer. We appreciate her strong leadership, particularly during these past months.

Although the past few weeks have been difficult for us all, we believe that the important work of the Institution will continue and we hope you share our optimism for the future.

A search committee for a new Secretary will begin immediately under the chairmanship of Alan Spoon, a member of our executive committee.

We thank you for your hard work and dedication.

Below is the text of the news release distributed today and available shortly on PRISM and newsdesk.si.edu. Also, the news conference will be available through Windows Media Player at mms://live01.si.edu/sicastle.

Roger Sant

Chair, Executive Committee
Smithsonian Board of Regents
Update: The press release is here.

Update: WaPo picks up the story (revised once since the intial 1PM posting, which cited a Congressional leak instead of the press conference) here. According to some of the comments, this too appears to be Pres. Bush's fault.