Janet & Walter Sondheim Prize Semi-Finalists
The semi-finalists for the $25,000 Sondheim Prize in Baltimore have been announced and they are:
Seth Adelsberger, Baltimore MD
Chul-Hyun Ahn, Baltimore MD
Lillian Bayley, Baltimore MD
Heather Boaz, Towson MD
Mark Cameron Boyd, Beltsville MD
Edward Brown, Salisbury MD
Lynn Cazabon, Baltimore MD
Richard Cleaver, Baltimore MD
Mary Coble, Washington DC
Kathryn Cornelius, Washington DC
Frank Hallam Day, Washington DC
Eric Dyer, Baltimore MD
Neil Feather, Baltimore MD
Shaun Flynn, Baltimore MD
Steven Frost, Washington DC
Dawn Gavin, Baltimore MD
Geoff Grace, Baltimore MD
Susannah Gust, Baltimore MD
Maren Hassinger, Baltimore MD
Sam Christian Holmes, Baltimore MD
Jason Horowitz, Arlington VA
Courtney Jordan, Baltimore MD
Brian Kain, Emmitsburg MD
Avish Khebrehzadeh, Washington DC
Magnolia Laurie, Baltimore MD
Joey P. Mánlapaz, Washington DC
Gabriel Martinez, Washington DC
Jeanette May, Alexandria VA
Lisa Moren, Baltimore MD
Brandon Morse, Takoma Park MD
Jeremy Rountree, Baltimore MD
Erik Sandberg, Washington DC
Tony Shore, Baltimore MD
Molly Springfield, Washington DC
Deirtra Thompson, Baltimore MD
René Treviño, Baltimore MD
Karen Yasinsky, Baltimore MD
Jason Zimmerman, Washington DC
The winner selected from the six finalists will be announced at a special ceremony and reception held at the BMA on Friday, July 13. Another exhibition of semifinalists will take place at the Maryland Institute College of Art’s Decker and Meyerhoff Galleries during Artscape on July 20 and continuing through August 2, 2007.
In 2006, MICA’s Rinehart School of Sculpture alumnae Laure Drogoul received the first-ever $25,000 honor and the above list is stacked with MICAists: MICA alumni Chul-Hyun Ahn ‘02, Lillian Bayley ‘05, Heather Boaz ‘03, Richard Cleaver ‘78, Eric Dyer ‘04, Geoff Grace ‘04, Susannah Gust ‘06 (Mount Royal School of Art), Sam Christian Holmes ‘95 (Mount Royal School of Sculpture), Courtney Jordan ‘06, Brian Kain ‘85, Magnolia Laurie ‘07 (Mount Royal School of Art), Jeremy Rountree ‘06, and Deirtra Thompson ‘05; as well as Maren Hassinger, director of the College’s Rinehart School of Sculpture; foundation faculty member Tony Shore ’93; and graduate studies office manager René Treviño ’05 (Mount Royal School of Art).