Monday, May 07, 2007

Janet & Walter Sondheim Prize Semi-Finalists

The semi-finalists for the $25,000 Sondheim Prize in Baltimore have been announced and they are:

Seth Adelsberger, Baltimore MD

Chul-Hyun Ahn, Baltimore MD

Lillian Bayley, Baltimore MD

Heather Boaz, Towson MD

Mark Cameron Boyd, Beltsville MD

Edward Brown, Salisbury MD

Lynn Cazabon, Baltimore MD

Richard Cleaver, Baltimore MD

Mary Coble, Washington DC

Kathryn Cornelius, Washington DC

Frank Hallam Day, Washington DC

Eric Dyer, Baltimore MD

Neil Feather, Baltimore MD

Shaun Flynn, Baltimore MD

Steven Frost, Washington DC

Dawn Gavin, Baltimore MD

Geoff Grace, Baltimore MD

Susannah Gust, Baltimore MD

Maren Hassinger, Baltimore MD

Sam Christian Holmes, Baltimore MD

Jason Horowitz, Arlington VA

Courtney Jordan, Baltimore MD

Brian Kain, Emmitsburg MD

Avish Khebrehzadeh, Washington DC

Magnolia Laurie, Baltimore MD

Joey P. Mánlapaz, Washington DC

Gabriel Martinez, Washington DC

Jeanette May, Alexandria VA

Lisa Moren, Baltimore MD

Brandon Morse, Takoma Park MD

Jeremy Rountree, Baltimore MD

Erik Sandberg, Washington DC

Tony Shore, Baltimore MD

Molly Springfield, Washington DC

Deirtra Thompson, Baltimore MD

René Treviño, Baltimore MD

Karen Yasinsky, Baltimore MD

Jason Zimmerman, Washington DC

The winner selected from the six finalists will be announced at a special ceremony and reception held at the BMA on Friday, July 13. Another exhibition of semifinalists will take place at the Maryland Institute College of Art’s Decker and Meyerhoff Galleries during Artscape on July 20 and continuing through August 2, 2007.

In 2006, MICA’s Rinehart School of Sculpture alumnae Laure Drogoul received the first-ever $25,000 honor and the above list is stacked with MICAists: MICA alumni Chul-Hyun Ahn ‘02, Lillian Bayley ‘05, Heather Boaz ‘03, Richard Cleaver ‘78, Eric Dyer ‘04, Geoff Grace ‘04, Susannah Gust ‘06 (Mount Royal School of Art), Sam Christian Holmes ‘95 (Mount Royal School of Sculpture), Courtney Jordan ‘06, Brian Kain ‘85, Magnolia Laurie ‘07 (Mount Royal School of Art), Jeremy Rountree ‘06, and Deirtra Thompson ‘05; as well as Maren Hassinger, director of the College’s Rinehart School of Sculpture; foundation faculty member Tony Shore ’93; and graduate studies office manager René Treviño ’05 (Mount Royal School of Art).

Second Thursdays and Second Fridays in Philly

This Thursday is the second Thursday of the month and thus time for gallery hopping in Philly's Second Thursdays gallery openings event.

And then on Friday is the city's ever growing Second Fridays gallery openings and extended hours.

Bethesda Art Walk

This next Friday, May 11, is the second Friday of the month and thus it's the Bethesda Art Walk with 13 participating venues and with free guided tours.

My old gallery will host the opening for two of the hottest Cuban artists on the planet: Sandra Ramos Lorenzo and Aimee Garcia Marrero, both coming off highly successful museum shows in Latin America and Europe. Details here.

Interposed by Aimee Garcia Marrero
"Interposed" Oil on Linen, Thread, Stones by Aimee Garcia Marrero, 2006

Both these artists had their American and DC debut shows with Fraser Gallery a couple of years ago, and both the exhibitions sold out.

New American Paintings

The CP's Mark Athitakis lists the DC area artists who have been selected by Stephen Bennett Phillips, Curator, The Phillips Collection, for the most recent edition of New American Paintings (No. 69, May 2007).

They are: Rachel Jeffers, Courtney Jordan (who will have her next solo exhibition at Irvine Contemporary this coming July), Kevin Kepple (currently on exhibit at Supple), Amy Lin (currently on my "Buy Now" list), and Renee Stout.

Wanna go to a Middleburg, VA opening this weekend?

From Friday, May 11 to Sunday May, 13, 2007 Trowbridge-Lewis Galleries in Middleburg, VA has landscapes and abstracts works by Vander Zee. Artist receptions Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:00 PM.

Montpelier Arts Center Jurying for Studio Space

Deadline: Tuesday, May 15, 2007.

The annual jurying for studio space at Montpelier Arts Center is currently taking place. The Montpelier Arts Center is located on the beautiful grounds of the Montpelier Mansion in Laurel, Maryland.

Current resident artists include painters, printmakers, sculptors, ceramicists, a fiber artist and a jewelry artist. Space is rented to qualified artists at the rate of $8.00/square foot per year ($9.30 for artists residing outside of Prince George's and Montgomery Counties.)

Interested artists are encouraged to visit the Center. Resident artists who have studios at Montpelier are also eligible for solo exhibitions in the Resident Artists Gallery on a rotating basis and have access to their studios seven days a week. The deadline for delivering work to be reviewed is Tuesday, May 15, 2007. Call (301) 953-1993 for a studio application or download a PDF version at this website.

McNatt on Black Masters Show

The Baltimore Sun's Glenn McNatt delivers a really good review of the current "Black Masters" show at AU's Katzen Arts Center. The show runs though May 27, 2007.

Read the review here.