Grants for Young DC artists
Deadline: September 19, 2007, 7pm.
The DC Arts Commission recognizes up and coming DC artists with the Young Artist Grant Program. This initiative, which offers grants of up to $3,500 to artists between the ages of 18 and 30, is funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts' Challenge America program.
Grants support individual artists in two funding categories: Young Emerging Artist Grant Program-artists may apply for up to $2,500 of support for innovative art projects. Young Artist Community Service Program-artists may apply for up to $3,500 of support for projects that strengthen communities as well as provide positive alternatives for youth. For more information please visit this website.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Affordable Housing for DC area Artists
Deadline: August 9, 2007, 5pm.
The Cultural Development Corporation (CuDC) has partnered with Manna, Inc., to develop approximately 40 affordable work/live housing units for artists and their families at 2414 Douglas Street, NE, in the Woodridge area of Washington, DC.
The intent of this project is to create work/live artist housing units designed primarily as functional studio space with basic living space as an ancillary use.
Construction is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2008, with occupancy expected in 2009. Applications are now available.
CuDC will start accepting applications on Monday, June 4, 2007 at 9 a.m. All applications are due to CuDC no later than 5 p.m., Thursday, August 9, 2007. For more information on the application visit this website.
The Franz and Virginia Bader Fund
Deadline: September 15, 2007
The Franz and Virginia Bader Fund welcomes applications from visual artists aged 40 years or older, who live within 150 miles of Washington, D.C. and can demonstrate that they have the potential to benefit as artists from a grant.
The Franz and Virginia Bader Fund does not, however, accept applications from filmmakers, video artists, and performance artists. In 2006 the Franz and Virginia Bader Fund awarded three grants totalling $60,000.
The deadline for applications is September 15, 2007. Application forms may be downloaded from the fund's web site: or may be requested by sending an email to or by sending a request to:
Bader Fund
5505 Connecticut Avenue, NW #268
Washington, D.C. 20015
Monday, July 02, 2007
Opportunity for artists
Deadline: ASAP!
Light Street Gallery in Baltimore has two upcoming group shows scheduled and they are inviting any artists interested in submitting artwork for these shows to first email images and/or ideas to gallery director Linda Krensky.
The first opportunity is an Open Call for Artwork for their "Box Show." All artists are welcome to submit any size Two or Three Dimensional creative artwork that includes a box of some kind. That exhibit will take place from August 18th thru October 6th, 2007.
The second opportunity is for their small works show. Two Dimensional Work: Maximum image size to be 144 square inches, (i.e. 12” x 12”) or less, xxcluding matting and framing. Three Dimensional Work: Maximum sculpture size to be 1728 Cubic Inches, (i.e. 12” x 12” x 12”), excluding Display or Pedestal. That exhibition is from From November 17th thru January 12th, 2008.
Questions? Call Ms. Krensky at the gallery, 410-234-0047 or email her at
Go to this opening
One of my favorite DC area painters is and has been for many years the hugely talented A.B. Miner.
A.B. Miner's solo exhibition, titled Chimera opens on Thursday, July 5 at H&F Fine Arts in Mount Rainier, MD just outside of DC. The opening reception will be on Friday, July 6 from 6-9pm.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
America's Most Wanted Painting
At least according to the decade old Dia project undertaken by the zany art team of Russian artists Komar and Melamid (who hung around DC for a while in the 90s, although I can't recall where they exhibited).
In the project (which also covers "Least Wanted Painting" and it is specific to various countries), a professional survey team questioned people with questions such as "what is your favorite color?" (blue was the overwhelming US favorite by 44% with green coming in at a 12% second; both the Chinese and the Russians also went blue, green but not in such huge numbers, and even the usually difficult French went blue at 39%).
The survey was conducted in 14 countries, and some remarkable similarities in taste are clearly evident once you see the various favorites and least favorites. It appears that with the exception of the Italians and the Dutch, nearly everyone else aligned behind a somewhat pastoral scene a-la-Hudson River School.
Least wanted paintings in all nations, with the same two exceptions of Holland and Italy, were generally geometric abstractions in nature.
This is the least wanted kind of painting in the USA. And below is the most wanted painting in the US... yep that's George Washington in the middle.
Before you roll your eyes, here's the Chinese equivalent, and yep that a portrait of Mao on the right of the painting. And the Russians seem to have put some sort of a Christ figure in their favorite painting.
However, this "painting by survey," like anything done by committee, rarely actually yields a final product that anyone actually likes, and I suspect that few people (in any nation) would actually hang the finished banal painting(s) in their homes.