Sunday, November 25, 2007

Nude Art at UPenn

Live Nude Art — a benefit auction for Penn Design MFA class of 2008 - November 30, 2007, 6-9pm.

Auction Preview: November 28 and 29, 9am-5pm.

The University of Pennsylvania Graduate Fine Arts department class of 2008 is hosting a silent auction fundraiser to support their graduation thesis show. Attendees will be able to bid on artworks by internationally recognized artists, as well as University of Pennsylvania faculty, students, and alumni. The auction will be held on Friday, November 30, 2007 from 6-9pm in the Meyerson Galleries on the University of Pennsylvania campus. Works will be available for preview in the gallery November 28 and 29 from 9am-5pm. Admission is free and open to the public.

"The title has less to do with the subject matter of the art or the dress code of those in attendance, and more to do with the pleasurable and playful atmosphere of the auction," explained class of 2008 member Travis Heck. "These days, it is rare to find an auction that allows guests not only the opportunity to bid on works by critically noted artists, but also to drink, eat, and boogie down all in one fun and free evening," continued Heck.

Works by Terry Adkins, Jane Irish, Gabriel Martinez, Sarah McEneaney, Joshua Mosley, John Moore, Eileen Neff, Demetrius Oliver, Robert Pruitt, Zoe Strauss and others will be available. Live Nude Art will take place at the Meyerson Galleries in Meyerson Hall, located at 210 South 34th Street on the University of Pennsylvania campus. Clothed guests will be treated to the musical stylings of DJ PHSH with free refreshments served throughout the evening. For additional information, contact MFA Class of 2008 representatives: Gianna Delluomo: 215-900-9714, or Simon Slater: 917-763-7034,

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

You won't see this on mainstream TV...

This TV clip is making the rounds worldwide in Spanish speaking nations.

In the clip, Spain's King Juan Carlos orders Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez to "shut up" as the XVII Ibero-American summit drew to a close recently in Santiago, Chile.

In spite of having his mike turned off, the Venezuelan strongman was continually interrupting Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, who was defending former Spanish PM Aznar, after Chavez insulted Aznar by calling him a fascist and adding that "fascists are not human. A snake is more human."

Rodriguez Zapatero, who is seeing speaking in the clip, reminded Chavez that Aznar was a democratically elected PM, but Chavez kept insulting and interrupting.

The king is then seen leaning forward and saying in Spanish: "Why don't you shut up?"

The king addressed Mr Chavez as "tu", which is the familiar version in Spanish of "you."

"Tu" is normally used only for younger family members, close friends, and children. In this diplomatic context it is regarded as insulting. has dozens of rap and reggae versions of the verbal exchange, and the king's words have apparently become a popular ring-tone in Spain.

The latest in Hugo Chavez's political performance art.

The Twenty-Third Annual Mayor’s Arts Awards

Deadline: December 4, 2007, 5:30pm.

The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities invites you to submit nominations for the Twenty-Third Annual Mayor’s Arts Awards. The Mayor’s Arts Awards are the most prestigious honors conferred by the city on individual artists, organizations, and patrons of the arts. Awards will be presented and hosted by the Mayor at a ceremony on March 17, 2008. For more information please contact Lisa Richards at 202.724.5613.

Job in the Arts

Deadline: December 1, 2007

Candidates are invited to apply for the position of Director of the School of Art, Herberger College of the Arts, at Arizona State University.

Arizona State University is the largest public university in the United States and ranks among the top 100 universities in the world. The Herberger College of the Arts houses the program in Arts, Media and Engineering; the School of Art, the University Art Museum, the Department of Dance, the School of Music and the School of Theatre and Film.

The search committee will accept nominations and applications until the position is closed. Screening of candidates will begin immediately. For best consideration, application materials should be provided by December 1, 2007.

Nominations and application materials, including a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information for four (4) references should be sent, in confidence and preferably electronically, to:

Herberger College of the Arts, School of Art
Director Search
Arizona State University
260 Franklin Street
Suite 620
Boston, MA 02110

Or email to

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Graphic Content

WARNING: Graphic Content, Philly's Print Center Annual Auction will be held on Saturday, December 1, 2007 from 6:00-8:00pm with an Exclusive Champagne Preview at 5:00pm.

The Print Center, one of Philadelphia’s oldest and most prestigious nonprofit cultural institutions, has set the goal to raise $35,000 with this year’s auction to support its outstanding visual art exhibitions and educational programs. Board of Governors President, Hester Stinnett said, “This will surely be our biggest and best auction in years. It’s going to be a great party, and we want not only to attract members of the art community, but individuals interested in visiting us for the first time.” Uninhibited bidding is welcome!

The Print Center Auction includes work by a large number of renowned local and international artists, including Thomas Brummett, Alida Fish, Carl Fudge, Guerrilla Girls, David Graham, Ann Hamilton, Daniel Heyman, Henry Horenstein, Jane Irish, Alex Katz, Roy Lichtenstein, Virgil Marti, D.W. Mellor, Bruce Pollock, Stuart Rome, Dieter Roth, Ron Rumford, Lawrence Schiller, Shelley Spector, Amanda Tinker and Richard Torchia.

Proceeds from The Print Center Auction fund group and solo exhibitions featuring local, regional and international artists and The Print Center’s continuing education program. Tickets are $25 by November 30, $30 on the day of the event December 1, and include delicious hors d’oeuvres and libations. The Exclusive Champagne Preview begins at 5:00pm and tickets are $100. Online bidding will begin November 19 at For more information or tickets, please call Ashley Peel Pinkham, Assistant Director, at 215.735.6090 x2.

Californication: Thinking Out Loud

Today I heard on the radio that the Red Hot Chili Peppers were suing Showtime over the title of the Showtime TV series "Californication," which is the same title as the RHCP song.

And pretty much the same title as my 1978 pen and ink drawing "Kalifornication: The Rape of the Earth," done while I was a sophomore at the University of Washington School of Art in Seattle, Washington.

The "K" instead of "C" was a cool thing at the time - for example, some artsy people used to spell "America" as "Amerikka," etc. The drawing was done as a reaction to the huge changes taking place in downtown Seattle at the time, as the city revived slowly from enormous urban decay.

As I recall, I got a crappy grade for the drawing from Bill Ritchie, who was my drawing professor at the time. Nonetheless, I had 25 reproductions prints made from the drawing and sold them all during the four years that I sold my artwork at the Pike Place Market in downtown Seattle, where the Kalifornication was taking place. I still have the original.

Kalifornication, c. 1978 by F. Lennox Campello

"Kalifornication - The Rape of the Earth" c. 1978 by F. Lennox Campello
India Ink on Paper. 9.5 x 9.5 inches

I don't have any plans to sue either Showtime or the RHCP over the use of the made up word, but it got me to think about the lawsuit-happy society that we have become... and about Abu Ghraib imagery.

Musicians can "sample" music from the vast set of all music ever written to create "new" works. And many artists "appropriate" images to incorporate them into their work, although I am not sure how the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990 reacts to that issue. Visual copyright appears to be a different aspect of the whole "sampling" or "appropriation" issue.

Which got me to thinking about Botero and the Abu Ghraib paintings currently on exhibit at the Katzen Arts Center in DC.

As we all know by now, Botero based the works on the infamous photographs taken by the mutants in charge at the prison.

Their photographs.

And thus my question: does the copyright to those photographs and associated imagery belong to whoever took the photos?

Do they have the right to sue the countless newspapers and news agencies worldwide who published the photographs without permission or payment?

Do they have the right to sue Botero?

Or, since the photographs were part of a heinous crime, do they forfeit the right to the copyright?

Who "owns" these images and the copyright to them?

An issue for a legal opinion; email me.

PS - If the RCHP want to send me 10% of whatever they get from Showtime or if Showtime wants to give me a free membership for life, I wouldn't turn it down and I would watch Dexter all the time!

Update: A Boterotista clarifies that:
"the paintings are all from the point of view of the suffering of the victims. He imagines them based on photos and written accounts but there is a huge difference. The photos are more like souvenirs taken by the poor dumb guards who mugged for the camera and took the wrap for the CIA and George II."
Good points!

Monday, November 19, 2007


To DC area painter Elena Maza, who will be getting her first museum solo show at the Museum of Florida Art and Culture in Florida.

The show opens on Dec. 5, 2007 and closes January 17, 2008. Maza will be doing an artist talk at the museum on Jan. 17.

This museum, by the way, has a terrific collection of works by the Florida Highwaymen, one of the most educational art stories of how the only art critic of any permanence is time.