Frank Warren's Favorite Work of Art
They don't get much bigger on this planet than Frank Warren's PostSecret and in response to my call for favorite artwork, Frank writes:
I have been captivated by James Hampton's "The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations' Millenium General Assembly" at the Smithsonian American Art Museum for about a decade. I think partly because it was closed-off for so long and I began to miss seeing it.
It was the first piece of Folk or Visionary Art that I fell in love with. I like art that expands how we define it, and challenges who can create it. I like how the piece is so unselfconscious and at the same time ambitious. I like how it uses what some might see as trash to express a high spiritual calling. And I like how seeing it in a museum makes me think, "hey, maybe my stuff it good enough to be here too."
The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations' Millenium General Assembly by James Hampton