Thursday, February 14, 2008

Joseph Mills Interviewed by George Hemphill

Joseph Mills Interviewed by George Hemphill

Call for DC "Aerosol" Muralists

Deadline: Friday, March 21, 2008 at 7:00pm

The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (DCCAH) in collaboration with the Executive Office of the Mayor (EOM), and DC Department of Public Works (DPW) seeks "artists, artist teams and youth organizations to design, create and install aerosol murals or aerosol inspired murals in identified locations throughout the District of Columbia for a new project entitled Murals DC."


"Murals DC has been created to replace illegal graffiti with artistic works, to revitalize sites within the community and to teach young people the art of aerosol painting. The goal of this initiative is to positively engage the District's youth by teaching proper art techniques, providing supplies, and a legal means to practice and perform their skill in a way that promotes respect for public and private property and community awareness. Site selection is based on areas of the District with high incidence of illegal graffiti as identified by the DPW, Mayor's Office of Community Relations and Services (MOCRS) and other agencies. Each mural will reflect character, culture and history of the neighborhood."
Download an application here. For further questions email Deirdre Ehlen at or call 202-724-5613.

Art Sculpture Walk throughout Downtown Wilmington, NC

Sculptor Carl Billingsley is having two simultaneous exhibitions for his work in the Wilmington, NC area -- "Sculpture: Concept to Creation" at the Art Gallery, Cultural Arts Building, UNCW and also “The Carl Billingsley Exhibition” Pedestrian Art Program in downtown Wilmington public spaces.

For the latter, on Saturday, February, 23rd, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM, the artist is leading a "Pedestrian Art Sculpture Walk" throughout Downtown Wilmington. During this event you can meet and talk to the artist about his large scale sculptures which are on exhibit throughout downtown Wilmington from January – July 2008. There will also be a trolley available to travel between the sculptures.

There's also an opening reception for "Sculpture: Concept to Creation"
an exhibition of drawings, models, and maquettes for large scale sculptures by Carl Billingsley at the Art Gallery, Cultural Arts Building, UNCW on Friday, February 22nd, 6:00 - 8:00 PM.

This is in North Carolina NOT Delaware!

Broken Art

Kriston over at the WCP polices the artDC cancellation with some words from a couple of DC dealers.

More later on just how to make an international art fair work in DC and start setting the new standard for art fairs of the future, to bring 100,000 not 10,000 visitors to the fair; and the District is the perfect setting for it!

Bailey has a problem

Bailey takes issue with this post at the SI's Eyelevel blog; read his issue here.

Hess on Sex

The WCP's Amanda Hess has a fascinating review and discussion of the Sex Workers’ Art Show, a "traveling pastiche of cabaret, spoken word, and performance art put on by prostitutes, porn stars, burlesque dancers, and drag queens."

At the Sex Workers’ Art Show, exploitation is the real fun, and I’ve snagged the best spot in the house. The sold-out crowd has pushed me flush against the stage, setting my sightline precisely at crotch level. Over the course of the night, I come face to face with Dirty Martini’s patriotic vagina; burlesque comedienne The World Famous Bob’s pink-tasseled and rhinestone-decalled vagina; ex-stripper Erin Markey’s American Apparel gold lamé-pantied vagina; and Krylon Superstar’s self-described “duct-taped, dick-back, transsexual queen” package.
Read the review here.

artDC cancelled

Just got the email that artDC, the District's only international art fair, has cancelled for 2008; email said:

artDC logo

artDC has made the tough decision to cancel its 2008 show due to uncertainty in the current economic climate. Although dozens of galleries had signed on to attend, this decision has been made in the best interests of exhibitors.

Update: WCP's Capps polices the cancellation with some words from a couple of DC dealers.

More later on just how to make an international art fair work in DC and start setting the new standard for art fairs of the future, to bring 100,000 not 10,000 visitors to the fair; and the District is the perfect setting for it!