"Cain Son of Adam - From him MacCain, McCain, Ibn Cain, MakkCain, McKane, Fitzcain, Cainish, Cainson, Kanesen, Kanesson."
Charcoal on Paper. 9" x 7" c.2008
By F. Lennox Campello
Since 2003... the 11th highest ranked art blog on the planet! And with over SEVEN million visitors, F. Lennox Campello's art news, information, gallery openings, commentary, criticism, happenings, opportunities, and everything associated with the global visual arts scene with a special focus on the Greater Washington, DC area.
5,000 frames
I've been offered a super sweet deal on 5,000 custom made frames in a spectacular diversity of sizes, mouldings, styles and colors. Each one is a custom made frame that was a mistake (too big or too small for the custom job). Over a couple of decades, these huge framing shop has accumulated several thousand mistakes and now I can get them all for around $3,500... or maybe even less (I've already talked them down from $5,000).
Some are huge, some are small, but they are all high quality mouldings.
But I have no room for 2,000 frames much less 5,000. But if I found 3-4 people, or gallerists, or artists, or cooperatives, or schools, willing to go together with me, so that we each get 1,000 frames or so, then I'd be willing to piss off my wife, and use the water tight storage shed and the garage to get this sweet deal.
Email me if you are interested and I'll arrange a viewing and discuss terms.
Secrets Are More Than Just Secrets, Blogger Tells Fans
So said Frank Warren, 43, creator of the blog PostSecret, to a crowd of nearly 800 at the University of Maryland Tuesday night.Read the article by Michelle Williams here.
Warren is no stranger to secrets. Roughly 1,000 find their way to his Germantown mailbox each week.
BORF's baaaack!
I am quoting "Family + Friends of Daniel McG":
To mark two years since the arrest of environmental activist Daniel McGowan and the U.S. Government's escalation of state repression of environmental and animal liberation activists on December 7, 2005 - the Brian MacKenzie Infoshop, in collaboration with Washington D.C. based graffiti artist BORF; Just Seeds Visual Resistance Artists Cooperative and Family and Friends of Daniel McGowan have coordinated a new fundraising project to benefit Daniel McGowan.
A limited edition and rare five color print entitled 'Support Daniel' by notorious Washington D.C. graffiti artist BORF is being sold exclusively through Justseeds at www.justseeds.org. All proceeds will go directly towards Daniel's commissary and education fund.
Smoking Fumo
If you'd parlevous Spanish then you'd understand what a cool headline the above one is...
The biggest thing in Vince Fumo’s career may well be the one he refuses to take any credit for.Read Robert Zalles' "Barnes follies (cont'd.): The Fumo connection" here.
Easy to find, on page 244
In October 2002, allocations of $100 million and $7 million were placed in the pending Pennsylvania capital budget to facilitate the move of the Barnes Foundation to Philadelphia. There was no public discussion and no debate. The allocations were not very prominently displayed; you have to look them up on page 244. The budget was passed on October 30, 2002.
Nice words
A huge thank you to ARTifice for the nice words and comments about this artblog in their recent Top Ten Local-ish Art Blogs list.
They've got somre really good ones on their list by the way - check it out here.
Artomatic is back for 2008
Time for all the art critics and art bloggers who think that an open, all inclusive, unjuried, everything-hangs art show is a bad thing for art to start gritting their teeth.
The NoMa (north of Massachusetts Avenue) Business Improvement District (BID) will host this year's Artomatic, the Washington, D.C. area's homegrown art extravaganza. From May 9 through June 15, 2008, up to 800 local and regional artists will exhibit their works on eight floors of the Capitol Plaza 1 building, located at 1st and M Streets, N.E., just one block from the New York Avenue Metro station.
Held regularly since 1999, Artomatic transforms an unfinished Greater DC area indoor space into an exciting and incredibly diverse arts event that is free and open to the public. In addition to displays and sales by hundreds of artists, the event features free musical, dance, and theater performances; holiday celebrations; films; educational presentations; and much more.
Anyone can become part of AOM. It's a democratic, all open show... and this is what many art critics and writers hate, because they want to see the external hand and discipline of a curator (otr team of curators) applied to such a massive endeavor.
But there's room for both. There are plenty of large curated show and precious little amount of gargantuan art shows such as AOM.
This year’s Artomatic, occupying 200,000 square feet at Capitol Plaza 1, will be the largest to date. Designed by renowned architect Shalom Baranes and owned by an affiliate of The Polinger Company, Capitol Plaza 1 offers 293,000 rentable square feet of Class A office space, with dramatic Capitol and city views from the upper floors.
“We are thrilled to partner with Artomatic in an event that will bring tens of thousands of people to NoMa,” said Elizabeth Price, president of the NoMa BID. “It is a great opportunity to showcase the transformation that is underway in NoMa and infuse it with the energy and creativity of the artistic community.”
"Artomatic has come back to its roots in D.C. with our largest event ever,” said George Koch, Chair of Artomatic. “We are excited about our partnership with the NoMa BID and their help in bringing this new space to our attention. Artomatic 2008 will have an abundance of exhibit and performance space that will be open to all — from recognized artists to undiscovered talents.”
Registration for artists and performers who wish to participate in Artomatic will be open soon. To stay up to date on the event details and schedule, visit www.artomatic.org and sign up to receive the Artomatic newsletter.