Wanna go to a DC opening tomorrow?
DC's Studio Gallery has an opening Saturday night April 26 from 5-7PM. They are featuring the work of Roberta Thole in the upstairs gallery. Her works "allude to classicism and the environment and are mixed media with paint, copper and emulsion."
Downstairs gallery has two emerging artists who "use paint in a very bold, abstract way." Katya Kronick "draws her inspiration from nature directly" and Andrew Acquadro "abstracts everyday images in a very bold and dynamic way."
Friday, April 25, 2008
Artists' talk: Alexandria, VA
Amy Lin will be discussing her work at the Art League Gallery in Old Town Alexandria on Saturday, April 26 @ 3:30pm.
Buy Amy Lin now.
Eakins update
The Philadelphia Museum of Art announced today that it has completed the funding of its share in the joint acquisition of Thomas Eakins’s heroic 1875 masterpiece, The Gross Clinic, through deaccessioning Eakins’s Cowboy Singing, which has been jointly acquired by the Denver Art Museum and the Denver-based Anschutz Collection, as well as two oil sketches for Eakins’s Cowboys in the Badlands, which have been acquired by the Denver Art Museum. The Museum acquired The Gross Clinic early last year with the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts from Thomas Jefferson University, amidst a spirited campaign to keep the painting in Philadelphia.Above from the press release from a few days ago; details here.
Five ways to get sued for using people in your Art
Beth Russell is a musician and attorney admitted to practice law in New York, Connecticut and Wisconsin. She is the author of the book Art Law Conversations perhaps the key legal book for artists. Buy it here.
And Beth pens Five Ways to Get Sued for Using People in Your Art for Art Calendar magazine - which by the way is a must subscribe-to magazine if you're an artist looking for a great opportunites and business magazine for artists (disclosure: I've written tons of articles for Art Calendar over the years).
It's a great article; read it here.
Opportunity for Sculptors
Accepting Entries: May 2 to September 5 (received deadline)
The Washington Sculptors Group has a call out for "Aquifer," a sculpture exhibition to be held at the Edison Place Gallery (701 8th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001) and co-curated by my good friends Deborah McLeod and J.W. Mahoney.
The exhibition is open to members of Washington Project for the Arts and Washington Sculptors Group. Artists who are not current members may join either or both organizations. New members may request a membership form by contacting WPA at www.wpadc.org or WSG at www.washingtonsculptors.org.
For more info or details visit the The Washington Sculptors Group website.
New Look
Yes boys and girls... after five years with one of Blogger's earliest templates, I finally took the plunge and switched to a new template in order to allow comments.
You see, for quite a while I have been struggling to add comments to this blog; without an iota of success.
So then I decided to do a little research and quickly found out that my 2003 vintage blog template didn't support comments and that the only solution was to switch to a new one.
And so, countless hours later, here it is! Expects a few visual tweaks here and there.