Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Scott Brooks - Under the Skin

odiva by Scott BrooksG
One of the innovative, inventive, smart, and nicest artists from the Greater DC area is the very talented Scott Brooks and he is opening in DC's Longview Gallery. The opening reception is Saturday, May 10, 5-8pm.

I've been admiring how Brooks continues to grow and progress as an artist - and the most important "and" - to exhibit widely around the nation.

And thus I add him to my "Buy Now" list.

Buy Scott Brooks now!

Wanna go to a Philly opening on Saturday?

There's tons of openings in Philly and DC as part of the First Friday gallery openings routine, but just in case...

Strata Sphere, an artistic exhibition space at 1854 Germantown Avenue in Philadelphia, will be presenting the works of two area painters, Paul Hamanaka and Darla Beckemeyer Cassidy, in a show titled The Floating World, from May 3rd through June 7th.

The Floating World is a concept in Buddhism that "expresses the ephemeral nature of our existence." There will be an opening reception on Saturday, May 3rd, from 2pm – 5pm. The exhibition will run until June 7th.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cuban reviews

Although I am Oh-for-two as far as reviews are concerned for the two shows that I have curated so far for DC galleries this year, the one currently on exhibition at Norfolk's Mayer Fine Art Gallery has been getting good critical coverage and exceptional sales.

One look at this exhibition makes it clear why Cuban art is especially hot right now.
- Betsy DiJulio
Portfolio Weekly
Last week it was reviewed by the Virginian Pilot (as soon as I can find a link I will put it up) and today it was reviewed by the Portfolio Weekly. Read that review here.

Danny Conant at Tibet House in NY

For many years now, DC area photographer Danny Conant has been visiting, photographing and developing a special relationship with the people and the nation of Tibet.

Vanishing Tibet by Danny ConantThis relationship is clearly evident in Conant's beautiful new book Vanishing Tibet, which delivers ample proof of what can be created when a superbly talented photographer puts her passion and effort on a subject that is special to her.

And this Thursday, May 1, 2008, Conant also has an opening of her Tibet photographs from 6-8pm at Tibet House in New York. The exhibition runs to July 1, 2008.

Washington Report

Art in America magazine's May issue has a report on Washington, DC by AinA's DC editor, my good friend J.W. Mahoney (page 94).

Monday, April 28, 2008

(In)Between opens in Philly this Friday

show post card
This coming Friday Philadelphians will get a chance to see some interesting sculptures by British artist Damien Hirst and the District's own Tim Tate in what appears to be a superbly well-curated group show at Philadelphia's Wexler Gallery.

Hirst skull

Damien Hirst, The Fate of Man (5/25), 2005, Cast silver, 6 x 5 x 8 inches

Curated by Sienna Freeman, Associate Director of the Wexler Gallery, the exhibition is based loosely on the idea of Vanitas - 16th century Dutch still-life paintings that celebrate life’s pains and pleasures while meditating on their inevitable loss.

Damien Hirst, The Sacred Heart

Damien Hirst, The Sacred Heart, 2005. Cast silver, 12 x 17 inches

Featured artists include Damien Hirst, Randall Sellers, Adelaide Paul, Tim Tate, Anne Siems, Dirk Staschke and Joe Boruchow. The show will run from May 2nd through June 28th, 2008. *An Opening Reception will take place on First Friday, May 2nd from 5-8pm.

Tim Tate Love in New Millenium

Tim Tate, Love in the New Millennium. Blown and cast glass, electronic parts, original video. 14 x 6 x 6 inches

I know that you know that I have no objectivity when it come to Tate, and I have been telling you this since his sculptures were $600 a pop, but buy Tim Tate now!

5th Annual Bethesda Fine Arts Festival

The Bethesda Arts & Entertainment District will present the 5th annual Bethesda Fine Arts Festival, a two-day fine arts event highlighting 140 contemporary artists who will sell their original fine art and fine craft on the streets of Bethesda, Maryland. The festival is scheduled for Saturday, May 10 from 10am-6pm and Sunday, May 11, 2008 from 10am-5pm.

The festival will take place in downtown Bethesda’s Woodmont Triangle along Norfolk and Auburn Avenues, located six blocks from the Bethesda Metro Station. Free parking is available adjacent to the event in the parking garage located on Auburn Avenue.

With over 20,000 attendees over the two day period, the Bethesda Fine Arts Festival has become one of the top art events in the Greater DC region and a must see for those who think that good art is only available in gallery or museum walls.

Direction here and a list of details here.

Go buy some artwork!