Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Early Look Peek

Here's another early peek at another student whose work I've selected for the "Early Look" student exhibition at the Long View Gallery in DC next month.

His name is Aaron Miller and he's a student at George Mason University in Virginia. Below is "Banana," which will be in the show:

Banana by Aaron Miller
Banana, oil on canvas by Aaron Miller

The show opens at Long View Gallery DC on June 7 from 5-8PM.

2008 International Peace Corps Show

Deadline: May 29, 2008

A national juried exhibition of photographs created by current and former Peace Corps Volunteers. No entry fee. Submission is completed online. For more information, contact:

The Center for Fine Art Photography
400 N. College Ave.
Fort Collins, CO 80524

Phone: (970) 224-1010; or check website: www.c4fap.org.

Grants for Artists

The George Sugarman Foundation makes grants available for artists in need of financial assistance. Award amounts are open, but the artist must provide a budget for the amount requested. For information, contact:

George Sugarman Foundation
448 Ignacio Blvd.
Novato, CA 94949

Phone: 415/713-8167

Fulbright grants are available for artists for 2-6 week lecturing and research abroad. No application fee, stipends are available. Contact:

Fulbright Senior Specialist Program
Council for International Exchange of Scholars
3007 Tilden St NW, Suite 5L
Washington, DC 20008-3009

phone: 202/686-7877; email: apprequest@cies.iie.org; website: www.cies.org

The Charles A. Lindbergh Fund - Deadline: June 12, 08. Offers grants for research and educational projects in various subjects, including the arts and humanities. Grant amounts up to $10,580 awarded. Application deadline: June 12, 2008. For more information, contact:

The Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation
2150 Third Ave. North, Ste. 310
Anoka, MN 55303-2200

Phone: (763) 576-1596; email: info@lindberghfoundation.org; or website:

Artists' Websites: Ana Maria Cortesão

Three of a Kind by Ana Maria Cortesão
Three of a Kind by Ana Maria Cortesão

Ana Maria Cortesão is a Portuguese street photographer and her work captures a really cool portrait of that European nation. Visit her website here.

Jennifer Lea Hall in Alexandria

I get a trillion gallery opening postcards every week, and every once in a while one catches my eye above the rest.

So is the case with Jennifer Lea Hall's Thesis exhibition (from VCU) at the Del Ray Artisans' Nicholas A. Colosanto Center in Alexandria, VA.

The opening is Friday, May 23 from 7-10PM.

Lorton Artists

This week I will judging the Lorton Arts Foundation exhibition at the University of Phoenix, Reston, VA (11730 Plaza American Drive, Suite 200, Reston, Virginia 20190).

The opening for the show will be on Friday, May 23rd from 7 - 9pm.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Opportunity for Sculptors

Deadline: June 30, 2008

The Polk Museum of Art is now accepting submissions from North American sculptors for their annual public art exhibition, Sept 2008 - Aug 2009. Three artists will be selected to exhibit 4-5 works each (depending on size). Each artist will receive a $5,000 honorarium.

Only completed, maintenance-free works will be considered. Work must be able to be anchored to concrete. Submit slides or digital images of 5-10 available works, 1-3 views each, resume, and artist statement to:

Polk Museum of Art
Lakeland Sculpture Invitational
800 E Palmetto St
Lakeland FL 33801

Or call 863-688-7743x241 or email Tbehrens@PolkMuseumofArt.org