Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Studio Visit

My studio visit with Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons is here. Read it and prepare to be impressed by this dynamo of an artist.

“When I am not here/Estoy Alla” c. 1994 by Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons

Monday, June 09, 2008


Scion and The Pink Line Project present Art-O-Sound!

Thursday, June 12, from 7 - 9:30 pm at the 6th Floor of Artomatic 2008 (1st and M Street, NE).

Artists: Lauren Bender, Bonner Sale, Ding Ren, Matt Sargent.

Video Installation by David London - Imagine

Music by Invisible Flow

Gopnik on Transformer

The WaPo's Chief Art Critic does something that he rarely does: review a Washington, DC art gallery.

And Gopnik does a really good job in showing us what this show is all about, and in making us all wish that he did this more often.

Read it here.

At the Katzen

There are some terrific shows currently at the Katzen Museum in DC and I will be writing about them soon. Meanwhile, you got to drop by and see the installation "Living Without Them" by Lilianne Milgrom/Saul Sosnowski on the museum's first floor.

Lorton Arts

Last month I juried the Lorton Arts Foundation exhibition at the University of Phoenix, Reston Campus. Below is a quick video of that exhibit.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Another AOM Top 10

Melissa Hackmann with her AOM Top Ten here.

Private Museums

Mr Margulies, who estimates he now owns around 4,500 works, is among the more respected of a growing group of collectors who choose to create independent spaces, rather than donating works to public museums, where it might stay in storage “for the first 15 years”, he said.
Read Lindsay Pollock and Georgina Adam discuss why the rise of the private museum is rewriting the rules of the market - in the Art Newspaper here.