New at Art-Tistics
Welcoming uberblogger Joanne Mattera, who will be joining us at Art-Tistics soon as the site grows.
Note the new widget to the right - it will keep you updated on the new art posts on that blog - just click on the post of interest and it takes you there.
Monday, June 30, 2008
I still don't know who all the 2008 Trawick Prize finalists are, but I know that both Joe Barbaccia and Warren Craghead are on that list!
As soon as it is made public I will have it here; meanwhile, congrats to Joe and Warren!
Seeking the "Collector"
Today's Washington Post has a list of suspects for DC's almost/quasi famous "Collector" - It also has a quote from me as to why Michael Janis is not a suspect in my opinion.
Read the piece here (scroll down).
PS - Where did they get that pic of Kirk Waldroff? from his High School yearbook?
The Artists "Review" Artists Project
J.T. Kirkland over at Thinking About Art has just launched an interesting new project where artists' work is reviewed by other artists.
I'm always talking about important the digital footprint is for artists and this idea seems like an excellent one for that! Now I wish I had thought about it!
Check it out here.
GOGs on Derivative Composition
Stephanie Merry from the WaPo's Going Out Gurus pops in with a good quick look at the "Derivative Composition" opening at the Kennedy Center last week.
Read it here.
Art Santa FeJust got through driving a van full of artwork to Brooklyn to be shipped from New York to Art Santa Fe, where we'll be trying really hard to sell some artwork at the coming Art Santa Fe, being held this year from July 10-13, 2008 at El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe.
The fair's 2008 Keynote Speaker will be Dean Sobel, the Director of the new Clyfford Still Museum in Denver.
If you're in beautiful Santa Fe during this time, come by booth 52 and say hola!