Friday, July 11, 2008

Maloney on Art Santa Fe

Santa Fe blogger Jessica Maloney on Art Santa Fe.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Art Santa Fe Day One

Arrived a couple of days ago in New Mexico for Art Santa Fe art fair, where we'll be peddling artwork at the fair, being held this year from July 10-13, 2008 at El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe and right across the street from Site Santa Fe.

When we arrived at Albuquerque on Tuesday afternoon, we spent most of the day exploring the old city.

On Wednesday we checked into the fair spaces. The whole area around it is a whirlwind of construction as new art sites, art buildings, etc. continue to populate this area of the city.

All the crates were waiting for us at booth 52, and right away I realized that (as usual) I had shipped way too much work. Everything was unpacked and then we had the crates removed.

Because the storage area at the fair didn't open till much later, it was an interesting chess game moving around all the extra work while isolating what work to hang for the opening tonight.

The press preview is at 3:30PM, and then the opening an hour later.

If you're in that amazing little city full of art galleries (nearly 300 of them) during this time, come by booth 52 and say hola!

Lots more later as I tell you how the opening gala went!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Murals DC

murals dc

Wanna go to a Silver Spring, MD opening?

Gateway's Heliport Gallery has an upcoming exhibit based on the surrealist game, Exquisite Corpse. Opening July 12 from 5 - 8 pm

Work by Karren Alenier, Mark Behme, Bobbi Clay, Christopher Conlon, Warren Craghead III, Patrick Finley, Fred Folsom, Gail Gorlitzz, JoAnne Growney, Stephen Hanks , Elyse Harrison, Neil Joffe, John Landis, Emery Lewis, Donna M. McCullough, Emily Piccirillo, Shelley Sarrin, Rima Schulkind, Ed Thomas, Joyce Zipperer, and Birdie Zoltan.

Gallery located at 8001 Kennett Street, Suite 3, Silver Spring, MD 20910. 301.562.1400. Close to Red Line Silver Spring Station.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Art Santa Fe

Wanna go to a DC opening?

Figurative/Narrative: Memories of a Presence opens Friday, July 11 with a reception from 5:30-8PM at DC's Smith Farm Center for Healing and the Arts' Healing Arts Gallery. Work by Billy Colbert, Paul Andrew Wandless, and Michael Janis.

The show runs through August 28.

John Collier at Art Whino

National Harbor's ArtWhino has a solo show by John Collier coming up that looks really interesting to figure aficionados.

The opening is July 12th, 2008 from 6pm-Midnight.