Art Auction Fundraising Tips
Enough said here.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Monday, August 04, 2008
How's Norfolk going to handle this?
If Norfolkians were offended by a work of art depicting female breasts, how are they going to react to the Aug. 23 "National Topless Protest Day"?
U.S.-based organization claims that women have the same constitutional right as men to go bare-chested in public. What's more, the group is encouraging women nationwide to rally bare-chested in public on Aug. 23, the date selected for the organization's "National Protest Day."For more information about National Protest Day, visit
"As long as men can go topless, women should have a same and equal right," said Rael, spiritual leader of the International Raelian Movement and founder of "Otherwise, men should also be forced to wear something that hides their chests."
Raelians consider a National Protest Day necessary because women who go topless in U.S. public places are currently arrested, fined, humiliated and treated as criminals.
"Women should go topless and rally publicly in great numbers on August 23 to protest that despicable treatment and exercise their rights," said San Diego resident Nadine Gary, a Raelian guide and one of the event's principal organizers. "We encourage all women's groups and individuals to join us at these rallies. Together, with peaceful femininity but unshakable determination, we'll protest this gross inequality in the law. We'll demand that our right to go topless be recognized in accordance with the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and that all state laws be amended to reflect that right."
New Herndon, VA Gallery
Start making plans for your Labor Day weekend and plan to visit the new ArtSpace gallery during its grand opening event: "Paint Herndon" over labor day weekend (August 29th - Sept 1st).
Nationally recognized and regional painters are coming to town to compete for cash prizes. There will be an Artist's Award Event Monday Sept 1st at 6:00pm.
Wanna go to a DC opening this week?
"Turning the Page" has a reception this Thursday from 5-7PM. It is a virtual exhibit featuring the work of James W. Bailey, Cleve Overton, Kevin Kepple, and Michael Fitts. All of the artists were chosen from the previous WPA's Artist Directory and the ArtFile Online.
Curated by Jessica Granda and Lexi Kirsch.
Alison Sigethy DC area artist Alison Sigethy is not only a very talented artist, but also a world-class kayaker, and currently Alison is part of a team kayaking across Arctic Canada to raise awareness and create community action in response to global warming.
You can keep track of Alison's progress in her blog here or read the official expedition blog here.
Allison was not too successful in fund-raising ahead of time, so she's deeply in debt from this trip. If you'd like to help out, any amount would be sincerely appreciated. Donate here or buy some artwork here.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Another "collector" horror story
The very talented DC area artist Cindy Ann Coldiron read my post on the collector horror story and then she sent me the following note:
Your story on the art sale and shipment reminded me of a long ago incident that occurred to me.
In this case I was on the buying side and the artist/painter had no role in it.
I was a young new attorney to the area and read that the Haitian embassy was having a painting exhibit/sale with part of the purchase price going towards charity. I really loved the exhibition photo that appeared in the Washington Post - it was a brightly colored cat in the tall grass - and thus I made a point to attend .
When I walked in I was handed a very clear list of instructions explaining the process for purchasing a piece of art. One was told not to remove any painting from the wall but to pay first and then let a staff member remove it after the purchase was done.
I paid $500 for the piece but when the staff member went to get the painting, it was not on the wall. She began to run around the room looking to see if anyone had it. She eventually found that an older gentleman had it in his possssion and this gentleman was rather displeased that he had to give it back.
She almost had to pry it from his hand!
I then looked some more around the room at some of the other art while she quickly wrapped it up and then I left with my purchase.
I was about a block away from the embassy when I had a feeling that I needed to look and check the painting. I unwrapped it and I saw that there was a big hole that had been punched/pushed through it.
Clearly the "gentleman" had punched his thumb through the painting (I guess he thought that if he couldn't have it, neither could I).
I took it back and they promptly refunded my money.
I guess that this shows that pettiness occurs at all levels.
Best Regards,
Cindy Ann Coldiron
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Norfolk breasts cover-up hits mainstream media
The Virginian Pilot covers the whole "breast cover-up" at a Norfolk gallery. Read the story here and a second Pilot story is here.
Read the Portfolio Weekly story here.