Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I have exciting news about a new Northern Virginia art venue!

The Workhouse Arts Center, Virginia’s newest arts community is opening its doors to the public beginning September 19. There will be a weeklong celebration of visual and performing arts.

Details here.

Opportunity for artists

Deadline: December 12, 2008

The Bethesda Fine Arts Festival was ranked #78 on the Top 200 Best Shows in the USA by Sunshine Artist Magazine in the September 2008 issue which annually ranks the 200 best fine arts and fine craft shows in the country.

The Bethesda Fine Arts Festival is the highest ranked show in Maryland and is 1 of only 19 new shows to make the top 100. This is the first ranking in the Top 200 of the Bethesda Fine Arts Festival.

The sixth annual Bethesda Fine Arts Festival will be held on May 9 and May 10, 2009. Applications for 2009 are currently available and the deadline is Dec. 12, 2008. More information can be found here or call Lauren Hamilton at (301) 215-6660, Ext. 16.

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: October 17, 2008

Visions Art Gallery in Medway, MA is seeking original artwork for the upcoming "This is the End... Tales of the Apocalypse," which will be on exhibit from January 4, 2009 until February 6, 2009. Share your visions of the End of the World with them.

Deadline for Participation: October 17, 2008
Acceptance Notification: October 23, 2008
Deadline for artwork: December 20, 2008

Download full Prospectus here.

Congressional Arts Report Card

The Americans for the Arts Action Fund PAC has produced the 2008 Congressional Arts Report Card to help you make arts-informed decisions at the ballot box in November. The report contains carefully evaluated legislative benchmarks that form a detailed arts record, including a numerical score and letter grade, for each Member of the House based on numerous arts and arts education issues.

Read it here. Neither McCain nor Obama are members of the Senate Cultural Caucus.

At the MFA

Quick video of the 8th Annual American Landscapes show that I just juried at the Maryland Federation of Art in Annapolis.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

More like 29

Surprised to find out that my good buddy Philippa P.B. Hughes is 39; I had her pegged at 29.

Read the WaPo story here.

Photography at Black Rock

I've been hearing good things about the current photography exhibition at Germantown, Maryland's Black Rock Arts Center. They have B&W photography by Joanne Miller and Lauren Henkin through September 19. Their work pairs the natural world vs. the urban landscape of Charleston, West Virginia.

Their next exhibit, Portraits of Life (Artist reception: September 27, 5:30–7:30 p.m.) also sounds quite interesting: Portraiture consisting of 36 panels, providing visual imagery and personal histories of Holocaust survivors from Montgomery County. Each 24" x 36” panel contains photographs and a narrative of the individual survivor's story.