Saturday, November 15, 2008

Volkova at Flashpoint

Elena VolkovaA few years ago I curated the work of Ukranian-born photographer Elena Volkova into a few exhibitions around the Greater DC area, and she also showed at my former gallery. At that time I was attracted to her ethereal imagery of the Baltic and her sensitive treatment of the subject as shape and form, rather than what it was in itself.

Elena Volkova’s Airscapes, part of the inaugural, city-wide FotoWeek DC is a whole new line of subject matter that still shows this talented artist's sensitive eyes and hand.

“Airscapes is a collection of photo-based prints of clouds that deal with the human perception of boundaries and the essence of a subject against a background of nothingness,” says Volkova whose show opens Friday, November 21 from 5-7pm at The Gallery at Flashpoint and runs through December 20, 2008.

Gallery moves

Michael O'Sullivan yesterday had an excellent spread in the WaPo's Weekend section detailing an assortment of gallery moves and new spaces in the Greater DC region. Read it here.

Barista Art

As I've often repeated myself, I have fond memories of when I was an art student at the University of Washington in Seattle and used to sell all my art school assignments at the Pike Place Market.

I also have fond memories of the original Starbucks there, and the great deals that they would give artists and craftspeople and farmers at the market.

Now, if you are in DC area, you can experience the art beyond the apron at "Avant-Grande 2008," Washington DC's exhibition of visual art and spoken word created by Starbucks baristas.

The event will be hosted at DC's House of Sweden on November 17, starting at 7:30pm. The evening will include hors d'oeuvres and cocktails at this one-of-a kind location on the Georgetown waterfront overlooking the Potomac. Tickets are $20 (including the open bar and food). 100% of ticket sales will benefit Sol y Soul, an arts based organization whose focus is on supporting, creating and inspiring artists of varied backgrounds and proficiencies.

If you would like more information please check out the website at or contact Aubrey Davis at

Open bar for twenty bucks! C'mon it's a great deal at a gorgeous location and great views.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Red Dirt Open Studios

Red Dirt Open Studios
Red Dirt is having their Fall Open Studio show and sale this Sunday from 1-5 PM, and the cool thing is that you can also walk to and visit Flux Studios, Washington Glass School, Blue Fire Studio and other neighborhood artists at the same time.

Work by Margaret Boozer, Kate Hardy, Ani Kasten, J.J. McCracken, Joanie Turbek, Irma Alba, Graham Boyle, Sara Caspi, Sandy Dwiggins, Joe Hicks, Leila Holtsman, Ume Hussain, Sean Lundgren and Tetyana Wittkowski. The last time that I visited Red Dirt, visiting artist Joanie Turbek was working on her Prostethic Lawn installation, which will be ready for the open studios.

Red Dirt Studio is at 3706-08 Otis Street, Mt. Rainier, MD 20712... next to the Washington Glass School and a bunch of other artists' studios. More info at:202/607-9472.

Call for a new MLK statue

Deadline: December 5, 2008November 2008

The City of Hollywood, Florida invites interested artists with bronze sculpting expertise to submit a proposal to create a sculpture of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to be displayed at the newly renovated ArtsPark at Young Circle in Historic Downtown Hollywood. Adult artists with bronze sculpting expertise are encouraged to apply. Artist teams are eligible to apply, including teams of artists from multiple disciplines.

The artist will also provide a schematic design for the bust’s concrete base to include the incorporation of Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech in its entirety. The project will be publicly displayed outdoors at the ArtsPark at Young Circle and provide a new platform of public art to facilitate community interaction of diverse populations. The maximum budget is $20,000. For Questions or an Application Please Call: Renée Jéan, Grants Manager, at 954-921-3201.

Tonight: Fixation photography exhibit at Fight Club‏ in DC

This Friday, November 14, from 8:30 pm - 2 am at the Fight Club (1250 9th Street, NW, enter through the rear in Blagden Alley, from N St., between 9th and 10th).

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Taxing Botero

"Colombian painter and sculptor Fernando Botero is being investigated on suspicion of tax evasion, Italian authorities said Tuesday.

Tax police in the northern town of Viareggio said they are investigating whether Botero, famous for works of plump figures, should have declared 7 million euros ($8.92 million) in earnings from 2003-2008.

They allege that Botero must pay taxes in Italy because his artworks are produced entirely by companies and foundries in the country that distribute them to galleries worldwide."
Read the AP story here.