Friday, March 13, 2009

New York Art Fairs Roundup

Read and weep here.

Wanna go to a Bethesda Opening Tomorrow?

Connie Imboden

Still available

This past Saturday, the Washington Project for the Arts hosted the 28th Annual Art Auction Gala at the Katzen Arts Center. The event serves as WPA's major fundraising effort each year while also providing an opportunity to showcase the work of regional and national artists.

They sold over 80 works of art on Saturday and raised much needed funds for the organization. In spite of these sales, they fell short of their fundraising goals and are asking their supporters to considering purchasing one or more of the unsold works.

Their website has been updated to show the works that remain available and the current sales price. As of this moment there are 30 works available priced from $500 and up. In addition, they have 24 table sculptures available starting at $250.
Maggie Michael

Maggie Michael, Nail, Tuck, Pin, 2007 / $2400
Latex, ink, spray paint, pins, nails, and string on canvas / 20" x 16"
Courtesy of the Artist and G Fine Art

If you are interested in purchasing work, please direct all inquiries to the WPA: 202-234-7103 ext 4 or 5.

Responding to Cuba

Responding to Cuba

I'm in this exhibition, with two pieces on the subject. The show is at the Therese A. Maloney Art Gallery at the College of St. Elizabeth in Morristown, New Jersey. Click on the image for more details. The opening is March 16, from 4:30-7:00PM.

See ya there!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Take a cab

WaPo's Chief Art Critic Blake Gopnik does something that he has never done in the city that he writes for and instead he takes a stroll through the galleries and spaces of Paris. Read it here.

And earlier, something that he also has never done for his own hometown: a review of gallery shows worth noting... in New York. Read that here.


To DC area artist Matt Seesow, who has been invited to participate in the 43rd annual "Meeting of Naive Artists" in Trebnje, Slovenia in June.


Crystal Bridges to Be Delayed?

The opening of Wal-Mart heiress Alice Walton's Crystal Bridges museum of American art may be delayed by a year or so, the Associated Press reports.

The museum itself has not announced a delay to the original 2010 opening date, but Bob McCaslin, the mayor of Bentonville, where the museum is being built, said in a recent state of the city address that the museum would open in 2011. A subcontractor for the project, designed by Moshe Safdie, said that the job "will run through 2011."
Read the story here.