Thursday, March 26, 2009

That's the way you do it...

Sotheby’s has cut CEO William F. Ruprecht’s salary for 2009 and eliminated his cash bonus for 2008 after a sharp fall in the house's profits...
Details here.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mitch Cope's Amazing Project

Foreclosed house? No problem! Let an artist deal with it.

Read what Mitch Close is doing here.

Mellema on Imboden

Kevin Mellema reviews Connie Imboden at Heineman-Myers Contemporary. Read the review here.

International Arts Journalism Institute in the Visual Arts

From AU:

What: International Arts Journalism Institute in the Visual Arts sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U.S. State Department
When: Friday, June 12th through Friday, June 26th
Where: American University, Washington, D.C.
Deadline: April 10th, 2009

American University Museum at the Katzen Art Center is pleased to announce the first National Endowment for the Art’s International Arts Journalism Institute in the Visual Arts. This program will provide mid-career art critics and writers the opportunity to participate in a two-week intensive institute at American University in Washington, DC. The institute, which runs from Friday, June 12th through Friday, June 26th, will consist of writing workshops, lectures, and travel to major East Coast art venues.

Up to twenty-four writers will be selected, twelve from the United States and twelve from the Middle East, Northern Africa, Asia, and other countries to participate in the institute. The selection will be based on the individual’s experience in critiquing or reporting on the visual arts through a recognized media outlet. Applicants should provide a brief cover letter explaining their experience in the arts, a resume, and a published writing sample.

Participants will enjoy a two-week expense-paid trip to Washington, DC, including airfare, lodging, meals, writing workshops and regional travel to museums and galleries. Applications must be received no later than April 10th, 2009.

Please email or mail applications to Attn: Arts Journalism Institute:

American University Museum
4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20016-8031


Jack Rasmussen, Director and Curator
American University Museum
4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20016-8031
Is that a great opportunity for art writers or what?

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: April 11, 2009

The 2009 Rawls Museum Arts Juried Exhibition, open to artists in DC, VA, MD, NC and on view June 4 – July 11, 2009. Juried by John Pollard, who is the founder of Richmond’s ADA Gallery where he has been exhibiting emerging and mid-career artists since 2003.

For an entry form send a SASE to:

Rawls Museum Arts
22376 Linden Street
Courtland, VA 23837

Or download the entry from here.

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: March 27, 2009 (postmark).

The Fine Arts League of Cary is seeking entries for its 15th Annual Juried Art Exhibition to be held from May 8th to June 27th, 2009 in Cary/Raleigh, NC. Show awards and purchase awards will total over $5,000. Entries can only be mailed via CD. The postmark deadline for the mail-in registration is March 27, 2009. I will be the juror for this show.

Full details and a printable prospectus are available
on the web here or call Kathryn Cook at 919-345-0681.

Billy Bass in the WaPo today

Fish Pain by Thomas EdwardsThe Washington Post's Reliable Source picks up the story of the new McDonald's commercial and former DC area artist Thomas Edwards.

Read the WaPo story here.