Friday, April 17, 2009

Want to win an original Damien Hirst painting?

Only if you are an UK resident... but details here.

Wanna go to a gallery opening in Arlington tonight?

The AAC's Spring solo shows 2009, featuring work by Jason Lee, Joseph Lupo, Gregory McLellan, Christopher LaVoie, and Steve Frost, opens tonight with a reception from 6-9PM.

Wanna go to an opening in Baltimore tomorrow?

off the wall

Thursday, April 16, 2009

If you wear a Che Guevara T-Shirt

Unless it is like the one on the left, you are wearing the image of a man whose own racist writing and actions are full of negative, racist remarks about Mexicans and Blacks and Native Americans.

By the way, "Comemierda" is an almost unique Cuban insult...

Call to Artists: In the Spirit of Frida Kahlo

Deadline: June 6, 2009

Frida Kahlo remains one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, but her spectacular life experiences, her writing and her views on life and art have also influenced many artists throughout the years.

From July 1 - August 29, 2009 The Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts Gallery at Smith Farm Center in Washington, DC will be hosting Finding Beauty In A Broken World: In the Spirit of Frida Kahlo.

Photo of Gallery by Michael K. WilkinsonThis exhibition hopes to showcase the work in all mediums of artists influenced not only by Kahlo’s art, but also by her biography, her thoughts, and her writing or any other aspect in the life and presence of this remarkable artist who can be interpreted through artwork.

This will be the third Kahlo show that I have juried in the last decade and we are seeking works of art that evoke the prolific range of expression, style and media like that which Frida Kahlo used as an outlet for her life’s experiences.

Get a copy of the prospectus by calling (202) 483-8600 or email or download it here.


Through the wonders of mass emails, I received the below image yesterday:

Priceless, author unknown
In the process of trying to identify the source of the image (to give him or her props and credits in the ALT tag), I typed "Priceless" in Google image search and got a ton of these type images.

It's almost like the parody of the Mastercard commercial has spawned a new form of internet art, where the results can be funny, sick, nasty or downright historical.

See them here.

DC Arts Commission Open House
Click to see a larger image with more details