Saturday, August 01, 2009

How to survive the recession

Cut costs as quickly and as radically as you can. Speed is the most important thing. Don’t wait, don’t let it get out of control. Act immediately.” This is the advice of Karsten Schubert, the German-born London dealer, to galleries struggling to survive the economic downturn.
Read the AN article by Cristina Ruiz here.

Gallery woes everywhere

Art gallery owners across the country are finding they have a tough sell these days.

With houses going up for auction, unemployment continuing to rise and the threat of layoffs seemingly ever-present, many gallery owners in art communities such as Scottsdale, Ariz., Santa Fe, N.M., Portland, Ore., and New York City are closing shop, going broke to stay open or drastically changing the way they do business.
Read the article in here.

Capps on 14th Street Blues

Kriston has a good article in Art in America expanding on his teaser on the potential relocation of several of the DC galleries at 1515 14th Street, NW in DC. Read it here.

President Obama Gives Helen Zughaib's Painting to Iraq

President Barack Obama gave Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of Iraq, a painting by Arab American and DC area artist, Helen Zughaib, at the White House during his recent visit. As a gift between the two countries, her painting “Midnight Prayers” symbolizes the countries’ relations. Zughaib’s art work is currently on display at The Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development in Washington, D.C. as well as at Finding Beauty In A Broken World: In the Spirit of Frida Kahlo exhibition that I juried at the Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts Gallery at Smith Farm in Washington, DC (1632 U St NW or 202-483-8600).

For Zughaib, this is a notable development in her artistic career, yet it is not without precedent. Two years ago, one of her paintings, “Reconciliation,” was given to President George W. Bush by then Lebanese Parliamentarian (and current Prime Minister) Saad Hariri as an official gift from Lebanon.

Zughaib, who was born in Beirut, Lebanon, said the piece Obama gave to Iraq is about the prospects for peace she sees in faith. Zughaib was inspired by the Muslim “call to prayer one hears in the Middle East.”

She added, “The beauty of the call to prayer, combined with the rich detail of intricate Islamic designs in blues and greens, symbolize the beauty and lushness of the Arab world. As always, it is a painting that reflects my hopes for peace and tranquility in that region.”

Zughaib helped curate the current exhibit at The Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development. The exhibit is called "Gaza Conversations" and runs until September 4th. She helped put it together at the group’s Foggy Bottom-based facilities.

She said the exhibit “is meant to focus attention on the situation in Gaza.” There are three artists showcasing their work in the exhibit, which has drawn many visitors--further showing the artist’s increasing prominence.

Zughaib, like her art, has served as a bridge between nations. For instance, she served as United States Cultural Envoy to the West Bank, Palestine. She said, “My intention as an artist, especially after 9/11, is to further the dialogue between East and West, continue to try to understand each other and bring people together in conversation with the hope of mutual understanding, acceptance and respect.”

Wanna go to an opening tomorrow?

Aylene Fallah

Aylene Fallah - Meet her at the Opening Reception on Sunday, August 2, 2009
1:30 p.m.—3:30 p.m.

Friday, July 31, 2009


Flying on Facebook - a cartoon by F. Lennox Campello c.2009
Heading back home today... have spent three of the last four weeks in California and Nevada; but today airborne from Vegas to DC, with a stopover in St. Louis, where Albert Pujols is a god.

14th Street Gallery Blues

Jessica Dawson has a really informative article in the Washington Post on the issue of the various 14th Street gallery cluster in DC that are facing relocation due to rising rents.

Good news is that G Fine Art is not closing, as previously reported, but relocating.

The article had a mistake on the monthly rentals that has been corrected since it was published. The corrections are at the top of the article here.