Two more in trouble
Two more DC area galleries are contemplating closing; more later...
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Langley Spurlock at StudioThere's a very cool (and highly affordable) exhibition currently at Studio Gallery.
There you will find 100 Paintings, drawings, photos and prints of birds and only birds. Imagined birds; Abstract birds; Absurd birds; Sexy birds; Cocky birds; Fighting birds; Rare birds; Odd birds; Extinct birds, etc. by Langley Spurlock.
There is also The Winged Bestiary, an Illustrated Abcedarium of Feathered Nonsense from A to Zumborouk, a very impressive collaboration with the poet John Martin Tarrat.
There are receptions on Friday, October 9, 6 - 8 pm and on Friday, October 16, 6 - 8 pm.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Who knows the real story about this painting?
At least six bidders do (definitely not the auction house estimator):
AnInteresting, nu?18th-century unsigned oil painting of the Grand Canal in Venice, estimated at a modest $6,000 to $8,000, sold for $687,125 Sunday afternoon at Sloans & Kenyon auction house in Chevy Chase. It is believed to be the most expensive painting ever sold at a Washington area auction.
Thirteen phone bidders competed against live bidders in the gallery for this work from the "school of" the 18th-century artist Giovanni Antonio Canaletto.
"It is highly probable the painting is by Michele Marieschi," said London art dealer Charles Beddington, who was an adviser to the painting's runner-up, who stopped bidding at $550,000. Marieschi, another 18th-century artist, never signed his work and died young, Beddington said.Read the WaPo story here.
FTC'ing bloggers
The Federal Trade Commission will require bloggers to clearly disclose any freebies or payments they get from companies for reviewing their products.Details here.
It is the first time since 1980 that the commission has revised its guidelines on endorsements and testimonials, and the first time the rules have covered bloggers.
Matt Sesow at MFA
I hear that Matt Sesow had a great opening at Mayer Fine Art in Norfolk with loads of sales. Congrats to both!