Friday, October 09, 2009

Wodzianski extravaganza continues

Andrew Wodzianski art month continues in DC with the opening of Wodzianski's Abra Cadaver in Bethesda's Fraser Gallery tonight, with an opening reception from 6-8PM. I am told that there may be a surprise in store for one of the District's better known art critics and that the surprise was almost revealed in the back pages of yesterday's Express newspaper. From what I can see of the exhibition here, it has some new clever pieces from Andrew's android series.

Last night's opening at Flashpoint was packed, and although the artist was there all night, no one saw him, as he spent the entire opening inside a white casket being guarded by two very efficient, very pretty nurses.

Nurses guarding casket
I noticed quite a few red dots, and people were also buzzing about the scavenger hunt associated with the opening, with several of the paintings in the show as the free prize for the hunt winners. Throughout the month, the artist will release a series of five clues via Twitter ( Five people will ultimately have the chance to win a painting from the exhibition.

Crowd at opening listening to the announcement about the scavenger hunt for free Wodzianski paintings

There was also a good assortment of the usual suspects at the opening, and I had a chance to shake hands and kiss cheeks of people that I had not seen in a long time since I had moved away to Philly.

Philippa P.B. Hughes and Kristina Bilonick

Kristina Bilonick and Philippa P.B. Hughes

Steve Krensky

Steve Krensky with one of the nurses

Wodzianski will actually be present and meeting people in tonight's opening at the Fraser Gallery. The gallery is at 7700 Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda, just a couple of blocks from the Metro.

CRIT '09

International Arts & Artists' Crit '09 has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 21st, 2009 from 6:30 - 8:30pm at Hillyer Art Space, located at 9 Hillyer Ct. NW, Washington, DC, 20008. This event is a scheduled open critique for all artists. Each critique will be open to 8-12 artists on a first come, first serve basis (but don't worry, this will be a monthly event).

They are still accepting artists for this first opportunity until October 14, so don't miss out!

Here are the guidelines (quoted):

Theses critiques are to provide helpful feedback to artists' works that are in progress or completed, by telling the artist NOT WHAT YOU LIKE OR DON'T LIKE, but by:

- simply telling the artist what you SEE...

- by perhaps describing and analyzing HOW you perceive the overall structure/composition of the work; what part of the piece 'works', what part might not be 'working', i.e. strengths and weaknesses...

- by interpreting the meaning, content, expression, artist's intention, etc.for the work as conveyed through its formal visual language...

- by offering feedback on quality of craftsmanship
If you are interested in participating, please contact Lachelle Slade at or 202-338-0680.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Red Bull Art of the Can


The Delaplaine Visual Arts Education Center has been serving their Maryland area community since 1986. It has grown from an idea to a vibrantly active nonprofit organization, housed in the 100-year-old Mountain City Mill on the banks of Carroll Creek in historic downtown Frederick. Classes are offered in an ever-growing list of media and subjects for all ages and levels of experience. The small class sizes are led by experienced instructors, who are also working artists. Their award-winning facility features classroom/studio spaces for drawing, painting, crafts, photography, printmaking, wood, and ceramics as well as a reference library.

Over 50 exhibits are offered each year, in eight galleries of various sizes. A variety of lectures, art trips, films and more round out the educational experience.

They are having a fund raising auction and some of the items up for the silent auction can be seen here.

The silent auction is going on now and ends the night of the gala on October 24th. Tickets for the gala are $85/person.

For more information, contact:

Delaplaine Visual Arts Education Center
40 S. Carroll St.
Frederick, MD

The place to be tonight is...

I know that I've been nagging you to death over this, but if you miss it, you'll hear about it and wish that you'd gone.

It's not just me... so far the Daily Candy, Penn Quarter Living, The Washington Post, The Gazette, The Express, The Hill Rag, and a few others I had not even heard of until recently all say that the place to be tonight is at Flashpoint in DC, for the opening reception from 6-8pm of Andrew Wodzianski's House.

Let me re-start with a warning: this exhibit is not for the faint of heart, or the weak of constitution.

If you choose to attend, then you take your chances, there will be food and drink and ghosts... and an opening like no art gallery or artsy folks have ever seen before.

See ya there!

Winston-Salem, you've been Jenkins-ed

DC's own Tape Dude does it again... check out the Winston Salem Journal report here.

Mark Jenkins"That's Jenkins as in Mark Jenkins, a famous artist who has stopped pedestrians around the world midstep with his life-size, life-like packing-tape casts of bodies positioned in sometimes strange, sometimes normal, always weird ways.

The commotion in Winston-Salem started about 1:15 p.m. yesterday, when police and medics rushed to the corner of Eighth and Trade streets downtown. They'd gotten a report that a woman's body was draped on top of a billboard. They got there, looked up, saw the body and started to climb.

When they got to the top, they found not a person needing rescuing, but a plastic "mannequin," put there as part of one of Jenkins' public art exhibits."
Mark has gone around the world and certainly has become one of the planet's premier street artists while virtually ignored by museum curators in his own city.

Remember the life-sized car that he made for his Fraser Gallery Georgetown solo show in 2005? Or these below that he installed outside the Warehouse Gallery for "Seven" also in 2005?

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hurry! the deadline is this Saturday, October 10, for IMAGE/PROJECT, the Arlington Art Center's juried show for photography and video. Juror: Taryn Simon, a photographer who's shown at the Pompidou, the Whitney, the Met, and many other places.

The entry can be found here.