Thursday, November 05, 2009

Opening in Richmond today

THINKSMALL5 the fifth biennial International Miniature Invitational Exhibition at art6 and artspace galleries located in Richmond, Virginia.

500 local, national, and international artists who have been invited to consider this challenge by the co-curators, Shann Palmer, Gallery Coordinator, art6 Gallery and Jessica L. Sims, Vice-President, artspace Gallery.

Exhibition Dates: Friday, November 6 through Saturday, December 20, 2009
Preview Reception: Thursday, November 5, 2009, from 7 to 10 pm
Exhibition Opening: Friday, November 6, 2009, from 7 to 10 pm

Some of the Participating Artists include Alan Entin, Anne Savedge, Annette Norman, Beth Beaven, Burton Tysinger, Cary Loving, Catherine Johnson, Chuck Scalin, Debbie and Andrew Campbell, Diego Sanchez, Emma Lou Martin, Foust, Gloria Blades, Hazel Buys, James Miller, Jane Vaught, Jessica Sims, Judy Anderson, Kathleen Westkaemper, Margaret Buchanan, Marian Hollowell, Martin McFadden, LRPS, Matthew Lively, Mim Gulob Scalin, Nancy Smith, Noah Scalin, Page Moran, Paul Kehrer, Rob Tarbell, Robin Ryder, Santa Sergio De Haven, Shelia Gray, Susanne Arnold, Tricia Pearsall, Virginia Tyack, Yvonne Cook and yours truly.

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: Nov. 20th, 2009

BlackrockIf you read this blog then you know that I've been always very impressed with the BlackRock Center for the Arts gallery's 1500 square feet of exquisite gallery space. With its high white walls and beautiful windows strategically placed, this gorgeous gallery allows in just the right amount of natural light. BlackRock Center for the Arts is located at 12901 Town Commons Drive Germantown, MD in upper Montgomery County, about 20 minutes from the Capital Beltway (495).

They currently have a call to artists and the call is open to all artists residing in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC over the age of 18.

Original artwork only. All work must be ready for sale and to be presented in a professional manner to the public at the time of delivery.

This call will cover exhibits in the gallery from September 2010 through August 2011. An exhibit may include one applicant or a combination of applicants, based on the judgment of jurors (i.e., 1 or 2 wall artists may be combined with a pedestal artist). A jury will select the artists and create eight exhibits to be included in the exhibit year. The jury panel is comprised of my good friend and gallerist Elyse Harrison, Jodi Walsh, and yours truly.

Jurying: First Week of December
Notification: Early January
Exhibit Year: Sept. 2010 – Aug. 2011

How to apply: All correspondence will be done by e-mail, so contact Kimberly Onley, the Gallery Coordinator at and ask her to email you a prospectus.

Don't wait to the last minute! Get the prospectus now!

Strauss Fellowships for individual artists

Deadline: Jan 19, 2010

This will be the third year for the Strauss Fellowships for individual artists. The unique feature of these fellowships is, that the Arts Council of Fairfax County does not tie these applications to project grants.

Strauss Fellowships support and encourage Fairfax County’s finest creative artists in all disciplines and recognize professional working artists’ achievements and their demonstrated history of accomplishments; they promote artists’ continued pursuit of their creative work.

The 2009 awardees were: Susan Eder and Craig Dennis, Thomas Evert and Susana Weingarten, Jonathan Fisher, Gueorgui Kotchev, Todd Messegee, Michele Montalbano, Guy Rando, Huguette Roe, Lynda Smith-Bugge, Karen Studd, and Novie Trump.

Details here.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

The Power of the Web

Well... the power of this blog really.

A while back I wrote a review of Shelly Voorhees at the gorgeous Black Rock Arts Center in Gaithersburg.

Gallerist Sheila Giolitti from Mayer Fine Art in Norfolk read the review, contacted Shelly and when an unexpected opening in her scheduled happened (gallerists hate that!), she gave Voorhees a solo show! I believe that they're also taking Voorhees work to the Art Basel fairs in Miami later this year.

This is the main reason why artists should always look around for opportunities and show their work as much as possible. One never knows who is about to see your work and what doors are about to happen.

And here is a great opportunity.

Potomac Valley Watercolorists Annual Fall Art Exhibit and Sale

When: Saturday, November 7, 3:00-7:00pm, and Sunday, November 8, 12:00-4:00pm

Potomac Valley Watercolorists artists from the greater Washington metropolitan area will exhibit original paintings at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 4000 Lorcom Lane, Arlington, VA, on Saturday, November 7, 3:00-7:00 p.m., and Sunday, November 8, 12:00-4:00 p.m.

A wide variety of sizes and styles (including both framed and unframed paintings) will be available for sale (cash, check or credit card). Admittance is free, refreshments will be provided and exhibiting artists will be on site.

It will be my honor to award the prizes at this exhibit.

Potomac Valley Watercolorists (PVW) is a regional organization of water media painters who have been selected for membership through a highly competitive process. Members have exhibited extensively at the local, national and international levels.

Details here.

Art Teacher Exhibition

Opening reception of the Fairfax County Public Schools Art Teacher Exhibition is Thursday, November 5, 2009 from 6:00pm - 7:30pm at Northern VA Community College - Annandale

If you can't make the reception, you should try to stop by and see all the work. The show is up November 2-14 @ the Ernst Community Cultural Center on the Annandale NVCC campus.

Interns Needed

Mark JenkinsOne of my absolutely top favorite artists around the DC area is the ubiquitous Mark Jenkins, the street artist genius that I call the "tape dude."

Mark has a few shows lined up and he is in dire need of some interns.

Anyone interested should email Mark at