Mera Rubell Studio Visit
Later today, Ms. Mera Rubell, one of the world's best-known art collectors, and whose Miami space, The Rubell Family Collection, features her and her husband's well-known art collection, will be making a studio visit to my studio in Potomac.
This is of course, both an honor and a spectacular opportunity to expose my work to one of the world's premier art collectors.
One fly in the ointment.
When I discovered this on Thursday afternoon, I was ecstatic. Then I realized that all of my work is in storage in Miami as it will be featured by Philadelphia's Projects Gallery in the Miami International Art Fair in January.
I had no current work to show Mera Rubell.
So from 3:30 AM on Friday to 9:00 AM this morning (with the exception of a Xmas shopping visit to the Gateway Arts District Open Studios yesterday), I locked myself in my studio and produced the below drawings to show Rubell later this Sunday.

"Asere, Si o No?" 19"x48" Charcoal on PaperThis is a huge charcoal drawing of Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna Lynch. Che is to the left in a very Christ-like pose. behind him, a slogan or graffiti on the wall asks the question in Cuban slang:
"Asere, Si o No?" which means "Friend, Yes or No? The capital letters answer the question by spelling out ASESINO or assasin. This is the second version of this concept.

Finalmente Denunciamos a el que traiciono al Che (Finally we denounce he who betrayed Che). 4 x 24 inches. Charcoal on paperThe Spanish words announce that "finally we denounce who betrayed Che." The capital letters answer the statement: FIDEL.

"Age of Obama - Nobel Peace Prize" Charcoal on Paper. 16x12 inches.In this piece, the figure is tattooed with the text of Pres. Obama's acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize. Selected parts of the speech tell a story.

"Woman who thinks that the tattoo that she just got reads 'Bring Bush Back'" Charcoal and Conte on Paper. 14"x10"I couldn't resist doing a humorous piece. That's just the way that I am.

"True Believer" 22 x 14 inches. Charcoal and Colored Pencils on Paper.Click on the image for more detail, but the tattoo in her arm, the updated part still bleeding, tells the whole story.

"Superman flying naked and close to the ground in order to avoid NORAD radar." Charcoal on Paper. 20x24 inches.So I couldn't resist another touch of humor. This is from my series of naked superheroes.

"Fallen Angel." Charcoal on Paper. 21 x 11 inches.
"Pictish Woman" Charcoal on Paper. 14 x 9 inches.That's it! I'm exhausted but happy. Wish me luck!