Monday, February 01, 2010


Flying cartoon by Campello
Heading to the Left Coast for some unexpected last minute lecturin' - more when I get there.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Temp Gallery?

I hear that an interested party is looking for a short term lease to occupy the empty space where the Numark Gallery used to be on E Street. That gorgeous space has remained empty since Cheryl Numark closed a few years ago.

Gallery moves

Washington Printmakers will move to their new home at Pyramid Atlantic Art Center tomorrow. Their inaugural opening reception for their 25th Anniversary Reunion Show will be Friday, February 5, 5:30-8:00 pm.

25 years in gallery years is like 100 in any other business. One of the reasons that some of our oldest galleries in the DMV are collectives is because all the artist members share the load of the costs of running the space, which allows it to survive rocky austere times such as we are experiencing now.

And WP is by far the best DMV area gallery in its specialty of printmaking.

One word that has been hijacked from the art lexicon by the art merchants is the word "print."

A print is a woodcut, or a linocut, or an intaglio etching, etc. It is created by the printmaker, from beginning to printmaking. Anything else is a reproduction.

So if the original is a watercolor, or an oil, etc. and then you get digital copies of it, or four color separations, etc. all of those are reproductions of the original. However, it's hard to sell something when you describe it as a reproduction, and thus why dealers and artists alike describe their reproductions are "prints."

Giclees is a modern artsy way to describe a reproduction. Giclee is the French word for "spray" or "spurt." It describes the Iris burst printers originally used to make the beautiful new digital reproductions that started appearing in the art world around 15 years ago.

Nothing pisses off a printmaker faster than hearing a reproduction called a print. Want to see some good prints? Visit Washington Printmakers and Pyramid Atlantic often.

Cultural Capital

If you are a fan of live performances, arts events and cultural programs, then you should know about, The Cultural Alliance of Greater Washington's Arts & Cultural Events Resource Site., includes over 300 participant arts and cultural organizations in DC, MD and VA (complete list here) and is easily searchable by date, category, keyword and region.

Use the advanced search on the upper left to customize your search by date range, subcategory and keywords and be sure to click on the map to search the area you prefer. On the right side of the site you will see a link to TICKETPLACE, where you can find half-price tickets online, in advance which they will hold for you at will call for shows at various arts and cultural events at The Kennedy Center and many other great venues!

Also on the site, you will find a place to sign up to for the new weekly email, CultureCapital Insider, which highlights special events, openings and closings, one night only and free events for that week. is a great online guide that can help you to explore the creative side of this city and the entire DC region by providing a one-stop-shop that helps you to discover all of the wonderful arts and cultural events happening in the area.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Sculpture that sells itself

(Via Check this out - almost too brilliant to believe.

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: Feb 28, 2010

The M-NCPPC space in the Gateway Arts Center is actively seeking both exhibition proposals for the 2010-11 season, as well as craft artists interested in showing & selling work at the center.

Craft proposals are being reviewed immediately and on an ongoing basis.

The next deadline for exhibition proposals is Feb 28, 2010.

The Gateway Arts Center (formerly called the Brentwood Art Center) will celebrate it’s grand opening on March 19, 2010. The center, located at a gorgeous space at 3901 Rhode Island Ave. in Brentwood, is dedicated to presenting and promoting the visual arts.

It is home to a dozen artists’ studios (Studio rents are starting at $13 s/f, plus utilities. For more information or to make an appointment to see the studios call John Paradiso at 301-864-3860 ext.3.), a gallery operated by the Gateway CDC, and the Prince George’s African American Museum & Cultural Center and certainly the heart of a new area home to many artists studios and several emerging art galleries.

The Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission occupies approximately 1/4 of the building, featuring a gallery, a contemporary craft store, and an arts class/meeting room. It is a place for people of all ages to meet, engage and learn about art, purchase one of a kind craft objects, and explore new talents.

Proposals/applications should include:

* A résumé or CV
* Appropriate digital documentation with a list of images that includes titles, media, size, and dates.
* Exhibition proposals should include and artist/curator’s statement.

Send to:

Attn: Gateway Arts Center
Arts & Cultural Heritage Division, M-NCPPC
7833 Walker Dr. Suite 430
Greenbelt, MD 20770

If you have any questions, would like additional information or a full prospectus, please contact:

Phil Davis,

tel. 301-277-2863; tty. 301-446-6802; fax. 301-277-2865

S word

"One to two inches of snow." Riiiiiiiight...