Opportunity for Curators
Deadline: Friday, April 2nd, 2010 - 5:00pm
Call for Exhibition Proposals: 39th Street Gallery at the Gateway Arts Center at Brentwood.
The 39th Street Gallery at the Gateway Arts Center at Brentwood is currently seeking proposals from artists and curators nationwide for an exhibition to take place May 10-June 25, 2010. Proposals may be for a self-curated solo show or a curated group exhibition. All original artwork in any media, including installations, will be considered.
Application deadline: Friday, April 2nd, 2010 - 5:00pm
* Exhibition duration: May 10 - June 25, 2010
* Application deadline: Friday, April 2, 2010. Applications must be received by 5:00 pm at the Gateway CDC office, address below.
* Notification: by April 10, 2010 via email. Materials will be returned at the artist's or curator's request if SASE provided.
* Reception: To be arranged according to needs of exhibition.
About the Center: The Gateway Arts Center at Brentwood (GAC@B) is a multi-faceted facility dedicated to the production, exhibition and programming of visual art. The center serves as a dynamic resource for artists and a vibrant, creative social experience reflecting and engaging a diverse community.
The GAC@B houses the 39th Street Gallery and Project Space, twelve artist studios, the Prince George's African American Museum & Cultural Center, and The Brentwood Art Exchange operated by the Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission. The GAC@B is a place for people of all ages to meet, engage and learn about art.
About the 39th Street Gallery and Project Space: The 39th Street Gallery is dedicated to fostering innovative, creative exhibitions and projects that engage artists, curators, critics and the public in a contemporary art dialogue. An artists advisory group reviews proposals at stated deadlines and on an ongoing basis.
The gallery is 450 square feet; floor plans are available at this website. It features high, open ceilings, a bank of windows along the southwest wall, track lighting, and pristine white walls. There is close access to the loading dock, just outside gallery entrance.
Gallery hours: At present, the Gateway CDC can staff three shifts weekly; Thursday and Friday evenings from 7-9pm, and Saturday afternoon from 12-4pm. The artist may open the gallery for additional hours, pending staff approval.
Honorarium: The artist(s) or guest curator will receive up to $500 honorarium.
Commission: Gateway CDC will take 25% commission on sales during or as a direct result of this exhibition.
Applications: You may apply by mail, drop-off or email to address provided below. Artists and curators interested in submitting work for exhibition consideration should send all of the following:
1) A statement about the proposed exhibition, one page maximum.
2) A CV or resume that includes contact information.
3) Work samples: 10-15 images provided via CD-ROM or weblink. Web images should DIRECTLY support this proposal, do not send a link to your whole website.
4) List of works. This should clearly correspond to images. Please indicate title, date, media, dimensions and price or insurance values as appropriate.
· Name each file according to the following format: "last name" underscore
"document". Example: jones_statement.pdf.
· Please number each image file corresponding to the list of works.
Example: 01_jones_untitled.jpg.
· Image files should not be larger than 1MB, and should be formatted as jpeg.
· Video and audio submissions may be submitted as a DVD, or on a CD and formatted as Quicktime, Windows Media, .wav, or .mpeg files, as appropriate.
Send to:
39th Street Gallery and Project Space Proposals
Gateway CDC office
4102 Webster Street
North Brentwood, MD 20722
For more information contact John Paradiso via email (john@gateway-cdc.org) or phone (301-864-3860 ext. 3) or visit this website.