Opportunity for video artists
Deadline: September 30, 2010.
Visual Overture Magazine is accepting submissions for a special section of the magazine called “Spotlight on Video Art,” to be included in the Winter 2010 issue, which will feature the work of one serious emerging videographer whose work is fine art. Materials to Submit: 2-3 videos, 500 word essay describing why your video work can be classified as fine art. Online Application: www.visualoverture.com/artists.htm
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Benny Moré
Today is the birthday of Bartolomé Maximiliano Moré Gutiérrez (d. 1963 at age 43), known to Cubans as Benny Moré, and considered the best Cuban popular singer and Cuban orchestra leader of all time. Without any formal musical training, witness how he directs his huge band in the rare footage below, and then check him out in a scandalous zoot suit outfit singing number in a Cuban movie of the 1950s:
Go get some Benny CDs...
Monday, August 23, 2010
Pencil this opening for September 23
First Campello gallery exhibition in DC area in 4 years!
Next Sept 20 - Oct. 15 I will be having my first substantial exhibition in the DC area in four years. The show will be at the School of Art & Design at Montgomery College's King Street Gallery, located in the beautiful Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Arts Center at 930 King Street in the Montgomery College, Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus.
There will be all new drawings in my constant exploration of using the human figure to deliver social, historical, satirical, mythological and political messages. The show also includes work by the immensely talented Johanna Mueller, who was one of my top picks from the last Artomatic and whom I predict will steal the show, as well as Leah Frankel and Leslie Shellow, both of whom are new artists to me.
The show is curated by Dr. Claudia Rousseau and is:
An exhibit of works on paper depicting mythical themes, or themes connoting transformations—mythical, magical or organic.The opening is Thursday, September 23, 5:00 – 7:30 pm. I expect to see all of you there to make me look good...
The exhibit will include prints, drawings and installation works employing paper with wax and other media.
Small scale clay sculptor needed
Are you really good at sculpting realistic objects out of clay? Do you need some extra money? The Washington Glass School has a project that requires small clay realistic objects in the two to four inch range. This would be ongoing throughout the year. Contact washglassschool@aol.com for further info.
Lenny the Insufferable
Some good Q & A's going on in the comments section here with the usual name calling making its expected appearance.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Rita La Caimana
For your listening (and viewing pleasure) two music videos singing Rita La Caimana, one of the most famous Cuban songs of the son genre. It's about a famous woman from Bayamo, in Oriente province named Rita La Caimana (Rita The Cayman - a Cayman being a Cuban crocodile).
Apparently everyone in Bayamo knew this lady, and all her life she'd go from door to door asking for alms, and whenever she heard music playing she'd break out into a dancing fever that made her famous throughout Cuba. Check out how the two versions are so different from each other and how the singer in the first version looks like American actor Michael Clarke Duncan.
Looking for new members
The Artists’ Gallery in Frederick, Maryland is currently reviewing applicants for membership.
The Artists’ Gallery has been representing emerging and established local artists for twenty years. As a cooperative gallery, the establishment affords artists both the opportunity to show and to participate in the running of the gallery. Each month, two members are featured in solo exhibitions in separate rooms, and a changing monthly show of other members work is displayed in a third space.
Sculpture, installation, photography, ceramics, printmaking and painting are among the media represented. The gallery artists hold opening receptions on Frederick’s popular “First Saturday,” which consistently draws a strong turn-out.
Members are accepted based on a portfolio review, which may then be followed by a jurying of current work and personal interview by current members.
Information and downloadable application can be found on the website
To speak to a gallery representative about membership and the application process, please call Johan Lowie at 571-276-6876, or by email 5thstreetstudio@gmail.com or Linda Agar-Hendrix at 301-865-5047, email: hendrix2723@gmail.com