Is There an Age Limit for 'Emerging Artists'?
I'm not sure if I agree with all the points in this excellent article by Daniel Grant in the HuffPost, but there are some very good points and opinions being made and delivered:
Age, education and exhibition history are not the only areas in which artists may get into trouble. Listing published reviews of group shows they were in but which did not mention their names or artwork looks deceitful, and banking on the possibility that the dealer doesn't actually read the review adds insult to injury. On the other hand, an online review has no less significance than one seen in a hardcopy publication (there is no need to include a link; just put the article title, author, date and main URL of the site and let the reader find it). Listing the names of more prominent artists in a group in which one participated seems "lame," Winkleman said.Read it here.