A Postmodern Meditation on The Five Proofs of God
“The Five Proofs of God” is an installation proposal that addresses the quinque viae of Thomas Aquinas and the relationship of language to ways of “knowing.” In Summa Theologica, Aquinas introduced “Five Ways” the existence of God could be proved. 20th Century scholars have refuted these “Proofs” with various arguments about Aquinas’s concepts.Mark Cameron Boyd uses both English translations of sections of Aquinas’ text of his “Five Proofs,” as well as text by his detractors, to introduce the idea of God’s existence in the perfect site-specific location of Catholic University's Salve Regina Hall.
“A Postmodern Meditation on the Five Proofs of God” is thus an exhibition of the artwork of Mark Cameron Boyd that features an installation addressing logical propositions by Thomas Aquinas to explore language and its putative conveyance of “reason” to “ways of knowing.” This exhibition runs from Nov. 11 to Dec. 17, 2010 and also features a mini-retrospective of selected artworks by Boyd from 2004 to 2010.
The opening, plus a panel discussion with Dr. Lisa Lipinski, curator, Mark Cameron Boyd, artist, and Patrick Beldio, MFA and PhD candidate, Religion and Culture on November 11, 6-8 pm.