Wanna go to an opening tomorrow?
CultureScape opens at Addison / Ripley! On Saturday from 5 to 7 p.m., Addison/Ripley Fine Art will host a free opening reception for the artists.
CultureScape, curated by my good friend Isabel Manalo, runs June 18 - July 30, 2011 and includes work by:
Mei Mei Chang
Elise Richman
Lisa Blas
Hedieh Ilchi
Bridget Sue Lambert
Friday, June 17, 2011
Children Artists?
Read this as Grumpy Visual Artist breaks the story behind the latest "child artist" and does the job that reporters should have done.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
BITE: Identity and Humor
Wilmer Wilson IV, one of the artists in the Strathmore Mansion mentorship program that Susana Raab, Tim Tate and yours truly has been working with, will have video works, film stills, and a sculpture in an exhibition entitled BITE: Identity and Humor, curated by Jefferson Pinder, at the Greater Reston Arts Center.
The show will be up from June 23 to July 29. There is an opening reception on Saturday, June 25, from 5-7p. In addition, my good friend Phillipa Hughes will moderate a dialogue in conjunction with the show on July 11 at 7:30p.
See ya there!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
As I noted before, For PLANNING PROCESS: Drawings and Finished Works, I proposed re-creating the Hotel Art Intervention process itself by recreating an entire hotel room at the Arlington Art Center (or at least a subset of it). There would be a bed and other hotel paraphernalia, including some usual hotel wall décor hanging on the wall, and one disassembled piece laying on the bed and been “intervened” upon. At various times during the exhibition period, this piece would be worked on and added to (by me), and at the end of the show the “finished artwork” would be hung back on the wall.
If anyone out there works in a hotel or knows someone who works in a hotel/motel, etc. I need some assorted hotel peripherals for this installation and I need them now!
I'm talking stuff like ice cube bucket and tray, some of the advertising stuff hotels put in their rooms, etc. The more the better, but I have the rest sort of lined up. In the best case scenario, a hotel would lend me "everything" to re-create their room at the Arlington Art Center, but I'm happy with just some assorted hotel stuff.
None of this would be at any cost to the loaning hotel, and in return, during the exhibition I would have a visible note at the gallery stating that the hotel artifacts are courtesy of the hotel.
During the exhibition I will be creating a work of art at this re-created hotel room, and at the end of the exhibition I will give the participating hotel this new work of art as a gift and as a thank you for their assistance.
Can anyone out there help? If so, drop me an email to lenny@lennycampello.com or call me.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Closing Party
Join the artists of the Washington Glass School as they celebrate their 10th Anniversary with a closing party / birthday bash at Long View Gallery.
The highly successful exhibit "Artists of the Washington Glass School: The First 10 Years" will close that night and the artists, art lovers, supporters and friends will gather for the anniversary event.
If you haven't seen the show that is an 'Editor's Pick' of the WaPo, and had the arts critic Michael O'Sullivan "feel like a monkey in front of a ball of shiny, shiny tin foil" - here is your chance!
Washington Glass School
10th Anniversary Party
Long View Gallery
1234 9th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Sunday, June 19th, 2011
2-5 pm
See ya there!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Guess what arrived via FEDEX this afternoon?The 100 Washington, DC Artists' advance copy just got delivered to my home today and the book is gorgeous!
And the back cover has quite a few pieces of art; work by Rik Freeman, Alexa Meade, Melissa Ichiuji, David D'Orio, Adam Bradley and others - this was a pleasant surprise, as I didn't know that they had chosen art for the back cover!
The publisher also shipped a bottle of Stargazer 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon to celebrate the release of the book - I'm touched by this class act!
Those of you who ordered books should get them soon, as they arrive in the publisher's warehouse in a few weeks.
Later: news of the book release party!
Azucar Moreno
The words to this international megahit by Spain's Azucar Moreno (the Salazar sisters) is what makes me wish that everyone could understand the beauty of Spanish as a lover's language. The title of the song is "Devour me again..." Enjoy the marriage of Spanish classical music with a contemporary beat: