Saturday, October 15, 2011

At gallery plan b

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: Friday, October 28, 2011

The gorgeous BlackRock Center For the Arts is accepting entries for their October 2012 - August 2013 exhibit season.

You can download the prospectus here.

Eligibility: Open to all artists 18 years and over residing in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC.

Special Consideration: Artists who are willing to conduct a lecture or workshop for a BlackRock standard fee will receive special consideration during the selection process.

About the Gallery: BlackRock Center for the Arts gallery is 1500 square feet of exquisite gallery space located in Germantown, Maryland. With its high neutral walls and beautiful windows strategically placed it allows in just the right amount of natural light. The windows are located above the walls which makes it an ideal space for fiber art. BlackRock Center for the Arts takes pride in the eclectic group of artists we have exhibited in the gallery since 2002.

Jurors: Jack Rasmussen: Director and Curator of the American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center in Washington, DC.

Jodi Walsh: mixed medium artist, curator, national speaker, owner and Gallery Director of Gallery 555 in Washington, DC.

Carol Brown Goldberg: professional fine artist and lecturer, Carol has been exhibtiing her work locally and internationally over the past 36 years.

Friday, October 14, 2011

O Project this Saturday

A full scale version of Rosemary Feit Covey's The 0 Project will be mounted for the March this Saturday. 200 masks will be distributed and two full-sized banners will be a part of the march.

What is the 0 Project you ask?

The 0 Project is an interactive participatory political art project from the mind of Rosemary Feit Covey, involving both local and global participation. The project has wrapped buildings, been projected on walls, and acted as creative catalyst for dancers, poets, musicians, and social activists. The 0 Project expresses voicelessness but also the inverse, a howl of protest. The project is designed to demonstrate that when art acts as a catalyst and invites responses, the ensuing dialogue becomes a form of art in itself. The 0 Project is collaborative by nature and open to all who wish to participate.

This weekend!

Bethesda Row Arts Festival

October 15 from 11am - 6pm and October 16 from 11am - 5pm

The 14th annual Bethesda Row Arts Festival will be held October 15th and 16th. This year the festival features the work of 185 leading fine artists and crafters from around the country. Media includes ceramics, drawings, fabrics, glass, graphics, jewelry, metalwork, paintings, pastels, photography, printmaking, sculpture, wood and 2D and 3D mixed media. The streets around Around 7200 Woodmont Ave. in Bethesda within walking distance of the Metro.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

You've just gotta read this!

Paula Cleggett, the Associate Director for Policy of The Curb Center for Arts, Enterprise, and Public Policy, Vanderbilt University, recently spent some time looking around the Greater Washington, DC area art scene and has just published one of the best articles, from the perspective of an outsider looking in, about the Greater DMV art scene that I've ever read:

Like most cities, artists, gallery owners, critics, curators, collectors and the curious weave a nebulous network to sustain a creative community. Unlike most cities, the DC art scene operates in the shadows of national monuments, free national art museums and internationally recognized art centers. Cities across the U.S. battle against the pervading myth that you can only make it as an artist in a culture-rich metropolis like New York, Los Angeles or Chicago. True, DC has distinct offerings and challenges…but clear indications show that emerging artists don’t settle for DC, they choose DC.

This article explores:

How well does the region nurture emerging visual artists?
What efforts lead the way in opening new markets for local artists?
Are public and private support structures in place to attract and retain talented visual artists?
What does a Washington-based artist have to do to get noticed?
Read the whole article here.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New art gallery to open in DC

Lauren Gentile, longtime art professional and former director of Irvine Contemporary, sets up shop in Washington, D.C. After serving as the Director of Irvine Contemporary and working in the art profession for 13 years, heading to New York or Los Angeles, might be the conventional wisdom. Instead, inspired by Washington’s promise of becoming a major national platform for emerging and contemporary art, Gentile is committing her considerable talent, energy, and creativity to opening her own gallery, Contemporary Wing.

“For awhile now, there have been rumblings about the Washington’s burgeoning arts community breaking through and becoming a force for contemporary art, and I want to be a part of that change. The Rubell’s plan to open a contemporary art museum in the nation’s capitol, the recent success of the (e)merge art fair, and a committed art community, all convince me that the time is now,” according to Ms. Gentile, “Washington is an ideal destination for contemporary art, and I am prepared to invest in that vision.”

With the rounding support of her colleagues, artists and collectors, Gentile will launch Contemporary Wing on November 1. While Gentile is in the process of finalizing her Northwest Washington location, Contemporary Wing will be open for sales and appraisals, at

The first exhibition, a multi-work video installation designed to run concurrently with Art Basel, Miami Beach, will take place on December 1-4, 2011 in Miami, Florida. For “Ivory Tower” artist Tiffany Carbonneau will project an original art work onto the exterior of the Marquis Miami, where the exhibit will be held. Her site specific projection will be visible from the surrounding area as well as from I-95 North and South bound, I-395, I-195, and the Venetian Causeway. Once inside the exhibit, viewers will be immersed in a conceptual and humorous feast of sight and sound. Gentile is co-curating the exhibit with New York curator Ginger Shulick, of Big Deal Arts. Participating artists include: Nia Burks, Sean Capone, Tiffany Carbonneau, Paul D. Miller (DJ Spooky), Paul Moakley, Phillip David Stearns and Alex Villar.
For more information about the gallery and exhibitions, please visit or contact

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Arts Commissioner

Congrats to Lionell Thomas, who has just been appointed as the new Executive Director of the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities.

Thomas' considerable experience and deep insider knowledge of the DC art scene are alone a great qualifier for this job, but what I like best is that this new Commissioner worked his way up from the bottom to the top.
