Monday, February 20, 2012

Danger Artists, Danger!

Artists are often colorful personalities. This one, though, comes across as cool, precise and metallic – and is anything but extravagant. No wonder – after all, it’s an industrial robot, one that will convert the Fraunhofer stand at CeBIT into an art studio. Its artistic genius only emerges if someone takes a seat on the model’s stool positioned in front of the robot: first, its camera records an image of its model; then it whips out its pencil and traces a portrait of the individual on its easel. After around ten minutes have passed, it grabs the work and proudly presents it to its public. This robot installation was developed by artists in the robotlab group, at the Center for Art and Media ZKM in Karlsruhe, Germany, some of whom are now employed at the Fraunhofer Institute for Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation IOSB in Karlsruhe.
(Via) Details here.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Art for Humanity Auction

I am honored to be one of the invited artists to participate in the first ever Art for Humanity Auction & Cocktail Reception 2012, which is the first annual fundraiser to support the work of Habitat for Humanity in Washington, D.C. It will take place on Thursday, March 29, 2012.

DC Habitat will be honoring Peggy Cooper Caftritz for "the significant role she has played in advancing the arts and education in Washington, D.C."

Produced in collaboration with artnet Auctions, the Art for Humanity Auction features a collection of work by prominent contemporary artists from the local, national and international communities, including yours truly.

The event will take place at Woolly Mammoth Theatre, a "spectacularly modern space designed by award-winning architect Mark McInturff and Theatre Projects Consultants. Located in the heart of Washington’s Penn Quarter, at the corner of 7th and D Streets, NW, the theatre is easily accessible to parking garages."

Music by The Washington Jazz Arts Institute Ensemble.

Details here.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Up in the mountains

We're up in the Poconos for the long weekend; sounds like many of you have heard from "Brandon", the art scammer busted in the previous post.

And nice snow here... the kind that makes everything white except the roads!

Out the back door in the Poconos 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

Art Scam Alarm

Received the below a few minutes ago:

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 08:47:39 -0800
Subject: Greetings/I Am willing To Purchasing artworks


I saw your artwork on need you to send me the list of the artworks you have for sell ,wow!! beauty to behold, will add a spark to my new apartment and am willing to purchase your artwork. My son and I will be moving into our new apartment next month.

I want you to please get back to me with the present condition,your location and your last price offer.Kindly let me know how much you can let go and send me pics.will take care pickup after payment. get back to me vis.. asap.

And my immediate response to Brandon:
Dear Brandon,

I am delighted that you are interested in my artwork. I have apartments and studios in various cities around the world
- Wellington, NZ
- Sidney, AU
- London, England
- Madrid, Spain
- Paris, France
- Buenos Aires, Argentina

and my favorite studio, Bonfuck, Egypt

Before I send you any data, I am very, very picky as to who owns my artwork, so I need to know the following from you:

- What school did you attend?
- Are married or single?
- Are your parents divorced?
- DO you believe that man is the only cause of global warming?

Please let me know and soon you will have some great artwork on your new walls!!!


The Lenster
The email addresses that I pulled out of the scan email were:, and - some of those may be hijacked emails, as "Brandon" gave as the one he wanted an answer sent to.

Be careful out there...

Tonight: Rosemary Feit Covey & Laurel Hausler at Morton

"Rosemary Feit Covey and Laurel Hausler have been paired in this two woman exhibition to highlight their respective artistic processes and approach to subject matter. Rosemary Feit Covey whittles away the surface of her wood block with extreme precision, utilizing a time-staking and unforgiving engraving process until her detailed image appears. Laurel Hausler works in a subtractive process by covering her canvas with multiple layers of paint, wax, charcoal or found objects and then removes the layers to reveal the subject. Both women are fearless in their psychological approach to subject matter – raw and depth oriented, they explore subsurface in the realm of the unconscious, not afraid of the obscure."

"Excavate" at Morton Fine Art
An Exhibition of New Work by Rosemary Feit Covey & Laurel Hausler
February 17-March 14, 2012
Opening Reception: Friday, February 17, 6:00-8:00 pm

Morton Fine Art
1781 Florida Ave NW (at 18th & U Sts)
Washington, DC 20009

A Palette of Paper - the Collages of Megan Coyle

The Center for the Arts, Caton Merchant Family Gallery in Manassas, Virginia will feature Megan Coyle’s collage art in a solo exhibition called “A Palette of Paper.” The art center consists of a theater, an art gallery, and classrooms that are located inside a historic Candy Factory building in Old Town Manassas. Coyle’s show will display portraits of people, animals, as well as landscape and cityscape collages.

“A Palette of Paper” will showcase a group of collages that look like they were made from acrylic or oil paint, when they were actually made from magazine strips. Each creation is the product of Megan Coyle’s intricate efforts in cutting and layering paper. It is only when you step up close to one of these collage “paintings” that you can pick up on all the fragments of photographs, textures, and patterns that have been pulled from magazine pages. This is the very reason why Coyle calls her technique “painting with paper” – the process of manipulating magazine clippings in such a way that they strongly resemble the brushstrokes in a painting.

The exhibit will open on February 8th, 2012 and run until March 22nd. Coyle will have an artist talk on February 18th at 1:00p.m. If February 18th is a snow day, the artist talk will be held on February 25th.

Megan Coyle is a practicing collage artist and designer living in Northern Virginia. She graduated in 2008 from Elon University with a degree in painting and creative writing. Her work has been featured in international publications like the Washington Post, Papirmasse, and Somerset Studio. She has exhibited nationally in venues that include the Smithsonian Ripley Center, Art League Gallery, Fisher Gallery, and Krempp Gallery.
"A Palette of Paper - the Collages of Megan Coyle"
February 8th - March 22nd, 2012
Artist Talk: February 18th (snow day: February 25th)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Today: Book Signing at BlackRock

100 Artists of Washington, DCThere will be a book signing for my 100 Artists of Washington, DC book today, February 16 from 6:30 - 8:30PM at the gorgeous BlackRock Center for the Arts in Germantown, Maryland.

Bring your own book (buy it at Amazon here) or get a copy from me at the Center (it will be cheaper at Amazon).

Many of the artists in the book will be there, so this is also a good opportunity to get your copy signed by them as well.

I will also be giving a talk about how this book came to be, and the selection process (an update) for the next two volumes.

BlackRock Center for the Arts
12901 Town Commons Drive
Germantown, MD 20874

301.528.2260 (administrative offices)
301.528.2266 (fax) (e-mail)

See ya there!