Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Contemporary Uruguayan Artists at the IDB

The exhibit Contemporary Uruguayan Artists will open March 5 in the Cultural Center Gallery of the Inter-American Development Bank, in Washington, DC, in conjunction with the 53rd Annual Meeting of the IDB’s Board of Governors in Uruguay’s capital of Montevideo.

The 17 works include painting, print, sculpture, mixed media, and photography by 13 contemporary artists at a critical point in Uruguay’s history. While each of the works stands out as an individual artistic expression, as a group they reflect a common history and tradition and provide a window on current trends that are transforming the country’s culture and environment. They challenge the viewer to consider certain overarching questions: What is the perspective of each artist and of the group as a whole? What is the cultural and physical landscape that influences their mode of expression?

The exhibit is part of a project called About Change: Art from Latin America and the Caribbean organized by the World Bank Art Program in cooperation with the IDB’s Cultural Center and the Organization of American States’ AMA | Art Museum of the Americas. The project consists of a series of exhibitions being presented in various venues in Washington during 2011–12.

“The IDB is proud to host this exhibition honoring Uruguay and its capital city, Montevideo,” says Bank President Luis Alberto Moreno.

Iván Duque, Chief of the IDB’s Cultural, Solidarity and Creativity Affairs Division, highlights the exhibit’s role in celebrating the Cultural Center’s two decades of activities. “During these 20 years, the center has gained international recognition for bringing the artistic and intellectual heritage of Latin America and the Caribbean to a broad audience,” he says. “The Cultural Center will continue to build on this foundation, which is based in a conviction of the enormous value of the region’s cultural treasures as part of the world’s cultural legacy.”

Marina Galvani, Curator of the World Bank Art Program, describes how the works speak to contemporary issues. “Along with the rest of Latin America,” she says, “Uruguay has reason to celebrate its growing role in the global economy, which even includes signs of reverse migration.”

“But at the same time, artists are moral commentators and often harsh critics,” she continues. “As such, the works clearly express the social and moral collapse of the middle and upper-middle classes, employing in some cases irony, in others, a sympathetic touch. They also reflect delicately—even poetically—on many global subjects, such as the environment, consumerism, and urban decay. ”

Dr. Christina Rossi, art historian from the University of Buenos Aires, was invited by the IDB Cultural Center to write the essay for the exhibit catalogue, which is entitled, “Re-situations.” ”These works grapple with the construction of memory—personal, national, regional, global—as a critical act expressed from the perspective of Uruguay,” she says. “There is no doubt that the realities of Latin America are best interpreted in a global context, and that today’s communication tools enable us to reach well beyond our national borders.”

Artists whose works are represented in the exhibit are Santiago Aldabalde, Ana Campanella, Muriel Cardoso, a group comprised of Gerardo Carella, Federico Meneses, and Ernesto Rizzo, Jacqueline Lacasa, Babriel Lema, Daniel Machado, Cecilia Mattos, Diego Velazco, Santiago Velazco, and Diego Villalba.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

(e)merge is back!

The (e)merge art fair is back for its second iteration.

The dates are October 4-7, 2012.

Last years's inaugural edition of (e)merge featured 80 vetted exhibitors with works by artists from 21 countries. Over 5500 attendees visited the gallery and artist exhibitions, performances, panel discussions, curatorial museum walk-throughs, and private collection tours.

Online applications are now being accepted and the application deadline is April 27, 2012 and notifications willsent via email by June 2012.

GALLERIES + NON-PROFIT SPACES (to apply Click here)

- Exhibitors may present 1-3 artists in each room
- Art being presented may include works in all media: installation, painting, photography, new media, performance, sculpture, works on paper, and video
- The artists presented should not have had any solo museum or Kunsthalle exhibitions

ARTISTS (to apply click here)

Artists whose proposals are accepted by the selection committee will be provided with exhibition space at the Fair free of charge.

To be eligible for artist exhibition space artist applicants must:
- Be currently without gallery representation
- May have had solo gallery shows, but may not have had solo museum or Kunsthalle exhibitions
- Whereas work in all media will be carefully considered, projects involving experimental works in non-traditional formats are especially encouraged . Such work may include installation, conceptual art, performance, new media, or the inventive use of materials to express challenging concepts.

On this date...

In 1854, founded by anti-slavery expansion activists, the modern Republican Party of the United States was organized in Ripon, Wisconsin.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Art Scam Alert!

Ignore this dirtbag... I will take care of him in my own way; see below - all the grammatical errors are his:

Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 13:21:12 -0800
Subject: i am interested in your artwork


It was great reading and seeing your ads artwork on i would like to make a purchase as i'm really interested in it.

Let me know the last price and if it still available for sale and it's present condition let me know if you are the real owner, and send me pics as for the Shipping i will take care of that through a pick up.

Hope to hear from you

Philip Eckhardt

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: Friday, March 9, 2012

The Bethesda Urban Partnership and Bethesda Arts & Entertainment District has announced “Tunnel Vision,” a public art exhibition to be hung in the Metro Tunnel that runs under Wisconsin Avenue in downtown Bethesda.

“Tunnel Vision” will showcase the work of 12 selected artists inside the Metro Tunnel. Interested artists are invited to submit up to 5 images of their work for review. Each artist will be paid $500 for the license to use their image. If selected, artists will need to provide a high resolution file for the image of their artwork to be printed on a poly metal material, size 4' high x 8' wide. Artists are encouraged to submit artwork that can easily be sized to 4’ x 8’.

Artists must be residents of Maryland, Virginia or Washington, D.C. to be eligible for consideration. There is a category for young artists, age 14-17, to apply. The deadline for submitting images for review is Friday, March 9, 2012. Interested artists should visit this website for more information and the application for consideration.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Wilmer Wilson IV at Conner

One of the young artists whom I've been advising all of you to keep an eye on, Wilmer Wilson IV will be making his debut at Conner/*gogo art projects this coming May (I know that this is a long way away, but I want to make sure that you all start planning it now); the show is titled “Domestic Exchange:”

In this new work, the artist engages issues of identity and race by appropriating the brown paper bag as a cultural symbol identified with bag lunches, alcohol and skin color. Wilson amassed dozens of inflated bags to construct a monumental sculpture with undulating, fleshy forms. On the opening day of the exhibition, from 5 to 8pm, Wilson will present a durational performance: “From My Paper Bag Colored Heart.” Exploring the history of the paper bag as an indicator of racial color, Wilson enacts a liminal struggle between freedom and self-destruction.
There will be an opening night reception, Saturday, May 17h from 6 to 8pm. Artists in attendance.

Wilmer Wilson’s performance will begin at 5pm on Saturday, March 17th and culminate during the opening reception (6-8pm).

Friday, February 24, 2012

Coincidence or one great artist borrowing from another?

I know that I am a pedantic Virgo.

But I also know that seldom there are coincidences when things look a little "too close."

Below is the new video (and megahit) by American uberstar (of Cuban ancestry) Gloria Estefan... check out what happens around 20-23 seconds into the video...

Now see below the artwork of Cuban artist Aimee Garcia Marrero... well-known to Cuban art collectors (and she should be, as she's one of the really talented, young multiple-threat artists); and the Estefans are Cuban art collectors... but judge for yourself:

Aimee Garcia Marrero

Aimee Garcia Marrero
Probably a coincidence from one brilliant mind... and yet, I have a rule about coincidences...